Essential gadgets to buy for college

If you’re a student or you are thinking of enrolling on a degree course in the near future, you’re probably wondering if there’s anything particular in the way of technology – essential gadgets for students – that you should purchase before you start college.

Technology is definitely essential to your learning, and most degree courses will use technology in one way or another as part of the whole experience.

With such a massive range of different technological products and gadgets out there, it can often be difficult for students to decide which ones they need and which ones can be done without. We’ve listed some of the best gadgets for college students that will help spread the load from your studies to your social life.

essential gadgets for college


First on the list is a laptop, the one piece of tech that no college student can do without. If you’re studying for an online degree such as an online master of science in analytics, you will most certainly need a laptop that you will use to access course materials, learning resources, contact your tutors, and to complete and submit your assignments – and even some exams. If you’re about to embark on an online course such as an MSA program online, investing in a good quality laptop is absolutely essential as you will rely on it to get your degree. For those studying on campus, a laptop is definitely recommended, but it may not be essential as you will usually have computers available for your use.

Desktop Computer

Desktop computers are hard to transport anywhere you go, but they’re often more efficient and powerful than laptops. It’s also worth investing in a desktop computer, especially if there are a lot of course materials, learning resources, and reports to be done. While the library allows usage of their computers, there is the risk of losing your files, and hackers may mess with your email account if you accidentally leave it logged in. However, buying your own desktop computer costs a lot. Considering a college student’s limited budget, it may not be sensible to spend a fortune on a brand new desktop computer with the most advanced specs. Used and refurbished desktop computers are more practical in terms of cost, and their quality is on par with brand new computers.


One of the handiest things that a student can purchase for themselves is an e-reading device. When you study for a degree, you can expect to be given reading lists for each week at the end of every lecture. All that reading can soon add up, and tracking down, buying or borrowing, and storing textbooks can become a bit of a hassle. With an e-reader, however, you’ll be able to download textbooks directly to your device online and store them all electronically, condensing stacks upon stacks of books into a gadget that’ll fit easily in your bag. As an alternative, you might want to consider buying a tablet and installing an e-reader app, such as the Kindle App or iBooks app.


Last but not least, if you don’t have a smartphone, you should definitely purchase one for yourself before going to college. Many smartphone network providers will offer student discounts, so this is the best time to sign up to your first smartphone contract whilst you can take advantage of great deals. Along with socializing and keeping in touch with friends and family back home, your smartphone can also be essential to your education at college. Many colleges will offer smartphone apps for you to track and access your learning materials, and you’ll also be able to use it to search for various resources whenever you need them.

If you’re about to embark on the start of your college journey, it’s important that you’ve got all the essential gadgets to support you along the way.

essential gadgets for college


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