Top 4 essentials for a family camping trip!

words Alexa Wang

As the weather changes and lends itself to more outdoor activities, make sure this year that a family camping trip is on your list. Finding family friendly, engaging, and budget conscious activities can be a challenge at times, but they are not impossible. Camping is an incredible experience that everyone can enjoy. More importantly it allows for new memories that you won’t have anywhere else.

Sure, you might think that you’re not the ‘outdoorsy’ type of family but speaking from experience the opportunity to unplug altogether changes how you interact and see quality time spent. So, if you’re up for the challenge, get yourself ready for the trip and adventure your whole family has been missing.

However, before you go off over packing for your upcoming trip here are the top must-haves for your time away:

A Family Size Tent or Cabin

This may be a basic necessity but finding a large enough tent to accommodate your trip is important. Did you know that there are cabin options at most camping locations now? So, if a tent isn’t your style, look into a cabin – it’s a very family friendly option.  

Food & Cooking Basics

Be sure to pack a large cooler full of your favorite food items, snacks, even drinks. But don’t forget a cooking grate and a one burner propane stove to cook it all. Though it’s great to cook on an open fire, a small propane stove will save you time and energy when everyone is ready to chow down on their long-awaited meal. You can get your propane from somewhere like Nelson Propane, giving you an easy and convenient way of cooking wherever you are.

All Weather Friendly Gear

When family camping plan for any and everything, especially when it comes to the weather. From a waxed canvas backpack to quality ponchos, make sure you have gear that can withstand whatever Mother Nature sends your way. The best part about these items, are you can use them beyond this trip. Invest into some great gear for all year-round use.

Easily Forgotten Basics

Flashlights, matches, cooking and eating utensils (plates, cups, etc) are just a few items that you may forget to bring along with you. As you read them, I’m sure you would agree. Though these simple basics may not seem like much, they are when taking your family trip. Even camping chairs are a must-have while you’re away. Make sure these items are not forgotten, you’ll be glad you didn’t!

If you need media entertainment then we would certainly recommend PIQO, the Pocket-sized Portable HD Projector! 2 inches were enough to create the smartest projector with a compact, durable and very intuitive design. Wherever you go, you can bring Piqo with you and enjoy its cinematic power and Hi-Fi speakers. Compatible with more than 3600 apps, its 250-inch widescreen will amaze your family and friends during your camping trip.

Now that you’re packed and ready to go, more than anything bring your sense of adventure. Explore, play, try something new on your next family camping trip. You’re ready!

But before you head out on your next family camping trip, make sure you visit first


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