Facts nobody tells you about organic foods

words Al Woods

organic foods

There’s many misconceptions about organic foods that have been portrayed in media outlets and the web alike. People either love or hate organic food, and many people at home may feel like they can’t decide based on this information. If you’re wondering why organic food is a growing industry, and why some people can’t get enough of it, there’s a lot of factors at play.

Here are some facts that nobody tells you about organic foods.

It’s More Sustainable

Organically grown crops tend to create a more sustainable impact on the environment due to the methods used by these farmers. Their soil is more likely to be rich in nutrients like nitrogen, and have a healthy amount of biodiversity. Organic food isn’t just all about being healthy for yourself, you’re also making a big impact on the environment when you purchase organic foods. Considering that the vast majority of farms use conventional methods, you’re supporting a growing industry.

Organic Meat Tastes Better

Organic meat can taste a lot better than it’s factory farm cousin. This is because organic farms will often employ “free range” methods of feeding and storing their animals. They’re healthier, happier, and have a higher muscle composition to fat ratio than factory farming. There are also no additives in organic products, and that means you don’t need to be worried wondering if you’re actually eating meat. The professionals of https://cleaversorganic.com.au/cleavers-hot-dogs-declared-organic-food-product-year/ describe how you can even have faith in hot dogs, as long as they’re grown organically. When you’re eating your food, you want to know what’s in it, and you should be able to find out. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case with conventional forms of farming in the modern era.

They’re Better For Children

A growing amount of research has suggested that pesticides can have a negative impact on the neurological development of children and fetuses. Pesticide covered food (even in trace amounts) can cause damage over long periods of time, even if the food is washed. Children who consume larger amounts of pesticides can be more likely to develop conditions like ADHD. If you want the best for your children the most optimal decision that you can make is by blending organic foods into your diet.

organic food tips

Washing Organic Food Does More

If you’re still thinking that purchasing conventional fruits and vegetables is fine, as long as you wash them, think again. Even though you’ve washed the outer layer of the vegetables or fruit there’s still an amount of pesticides that have absorbed through the skin. With organically grown foods you won’t need to worry about unnatural pesticides and herbicides. Washing your food is still the most effective methods of removing these chemicals though so make sure you still do it when you’re eating conventionally grown crops. It’s also a great method of washing off germs and naturally growing pathogens on your foods, organic or not.

“Organic” And “Natural” Aren’t The Same

Many consumers are fooled by businesses who employ the label “100% Natural” on their products. However, it’s much easier to be able to use the label of natural, than it is to be a certified organic company. Certified organic farms must go through rigorous testing and evaluation in order to ensure they’re using at least 95% organic materials. They often have to pay for their certification, and have put a lot of work ensuring there’s no contamination. If you’re giving your money to companies that are organic, you’re helping offset some of the costs that they incur during these processes.

Small Farmers Make Higher Premiums

Small farmers who are organically certified can make more money than their counterparts. They don’t need to spend an excessive amount on antibiotics, or massive amounts of chemical pesticides. Their yields may be slightly lower, but the premiums they get paid for the amount of product that they’re selling is quite substantial. Smaller farms who want to grow organically also require less initial costs in order to begin farming. If you’re not a supporter of big business it’s always a good idea to support small farmers in their ventures. Organic farmers don’t use pesticides that can leak into local water supplies, and they’re much friendlier to their neighbors in this sense.

Purchasing organic food isn’t always in everybody’s budget, at least not on a consistent basis. However, if you’re looking to support a healthier environment, and your own health, including some organic foods in your diet is a good idea. Humans were never meant to consume pesticides, or the hormones given to animals on farms. There are many more aspects of organic farming that people don’t know about, and there’s pro’s and con’s on both sides. Just keep these facts in mind when you’re trying to make your decision in the aisle.


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