Here’s Why Your Home Needs a Backup Generator

words Al Woods

Having a backup generator for your home is one of those things that you probably don’t think about until the situation arises where you need one, and by this stage, it is too late as the lights have already gone out.

For most of us, we are connected to the national grid and we live in built-up areas where there is little threat to our power supply. However, in these uncertain times of climate change, we see many more natural disasters that could lead to power outages.

Here we are going to take a look at the reasons why your home needs a backup generator. 

To Preserve Food

Backup Generator

When the power goes out we are more than likely to be faced with a fridge and freezer full of perishable goods, and the chances are we are not going to be able to replenish our stocks anytime soon. We are no longer using preserving techniques such as pickling and salting so our food will quickly spoil. If we were prepared and had a backup generator then this would kick in the second we lose power from the grid and our lifesaving food supplies would be saved. When you have a house full of children the last thing you want is to be without food, so make the sensible decision and install the generator. 

To Continue Working

In these times of heightened mobility, we are working from home more and more and as the recent Coronavirus pandemic has shown us, normal routines can change very rapidly and we can find ourselves unexpectedly working away from the office. Our work will invariably mean using a laptop and phone so having a power supply is paramount. Without a backup generator, you will struggle to earn money and also run the risk of losing any unsaved work on your computer which could set you back years and end up costing you a fortune. Use the 10 Power Up calculator to figure out the size of the generator that you need to power your home.


As crime rates have gone up most of us have responded by installing security alarms and lights around our properties to protect us from intruders. However, in times of power outages, these will be useless and our homes and families will be left undefended. Furthermore, power cuts are often caused by natural disasters and sadly we often see cases of civil disobedience and rioting during these times so it is twice as important to know that your property is safe and sound.

Secondary Uses

Whilst you might primarily have bought a generator for your home, if you buy a portable one rather than a secured unit, you could use this for camping trips and excursions, or to power work tools away from the house. In this instance, it is wise to speak to professionals from who will advise you regarding the best model to buy for your needs. This way you can be safe in the knowledge that your home backup power supply is secure, but you can also make use of your investment away from home, thus making a generator a more attractive purchase.

An Alternative Car Charger

Backup Generator

We are all adopting greener ways to live our lives and one of the main ways we do this is by cutting down on fossil fuels. We are buying more electric and hybrid cars and these need charging, however, due to infrastructure problems it can often be difficult to find a convenient charging point, and when we do it can take hours to fully charge our car. If we had invested in a generator this could be stored in the car on long trips, thus allowing continuous travel without the need to deviate to find charging points.

To Preserve Water Supply 

Some of us live in rural areas and we are not connected to mains water, therefore we rely on groundwater and a well to keep ourselves alive. Whilst some of these wells can be pulled by hand the majority need a pump to extract the water and then to filter it to make it potable. Without your backup generator, this becomes a much tougher task, so it makes sense to secure your water supply as well as preserving your food by investing in a backup generator. 


These days we need our communications, even more than ever because we have become a 24-hour society that is highly connected through the internet. We don’t just use the internet for pleasure, we also use it to stay safe by always being in contact with the authorities and our loved ones. Mobile phones and fixed-line phones also require electricity to charge and work, so it is vitally important we keep these lines of communication open by investing in a backup generator, otherwise we would lose contact with the outside world. 

To Safely Live Rurally 

If you live rurally having a generator can mean the difference between life and death. The outback is an inhospitable place at the best of times, but when natural disasters strike, being left without power would be a disaster. It would mean no access to food, water or heating, and livestock would almost certainly perish. The more rurally you live the longer it would take for any would-be rescuer to reach you, so the only sensible option is to invest in a backup generator to keep yourself alive in the meantime.

As we have discovered there are a myriad of benefits to investing in a backup power generator for your home. In times of natural disasters, it could mean the difference between life and death, especially if you live in the outback, following a loss of power, your only access to safe food and water and communications systems is through having a backup power generator. There are also secondary benefits as a portable generator could also assist with charging electric cars and bikes and can also be used for leisure purposes such as providing a power supply to an outdoor party or when you are on a camping trip. All in all, buying a backup generator gives you peace of mind during turbulent times, so it is a very worthwhile addition to your home. 


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