How You Can Improve Training and Education Within Your Organisation

words Al Woods

 Improve Training

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In the modern workplace, collaboration is critical. From entry-level workers to senior leaders, everyone should feel comfortable speaking up and offering their input. Of course, this isn’t always the case in every organisation. The result is a gap in training and education opportunities that can be difficult to overcome. To improve collaboration and help your team get past the hurdles of training and education, keep reading for insight on how you can do so easily.

Discuss employee goals and expectations

One of the first things you should do when improving training and education within your organisation is to get a better grasp on what each employee needs from their workplace. After all, it’s impossible to improve what you don’t measure. You’ll want to discuss goals and expectations for each employee. This can include but is not limited to expected employee development, preferred working hours, work-life balance, and professional goals. What you discover in these conversations will help you determine what training your employees need and where to improve. You’ll also be able to determine if there are any gaps in the types of training employees receive.

Tailor training per each employee to maximise benefits

When you know what training each employee needs, you can tailor the training to suit their specific needs. This makes training more personalised and helps employees feel more invested in the process by giving them something they specifically need. At first glance, this might seem like a lot of work. However, it’s a straightforward process. For example, let’s say you have an employee struggling to meet sales goals. First, you’d discuss their sales goals, what they need to achieve them, and what resources they currently have at their disposal, like the Allego sales enablement platform. You’ll then meet with the employee to discuss what help they need to overcome their current challenges and reach their sales goals. This might include coursework on communication, sales techniques, customer service, taking an SEL screener, or any other relevant skills.

Having a staff that’s well-versed in all aspects of your company’s operations, policies and procedures is vital to ensuring production efficiency and safety. For example, conducting a thorough shipyard walking working surfaces training will ensure that your employees understand safety procedures while working on ships. It will also help them adapt to different walking surfaces and conditions, reducing the risk of accidents or injuries. This is just one example of how tailored training can benefit both employees and employers.

Bring in a qualified trainer or educator to further improve knowledge and skills.

Depending on the training your employees need, you may consider bringing in a qualified trainer or educator to help facilitate training and education. Depending on the type of training, you may want to bring in multiple trainers or educators. However, when bringing in outside trainers or educators to your workplace, you need to be mindful of one thing: Each trainer or educator will have their style and teaching methods. You’ll want to make sure you choose instructors who understand your company culture and who will meet your employees where they are. This will help ensure that your employees are comfortable and able to learn effectively. If you’re unsure which type of training to provide your employees, you can ask them what they’d like to see and learn in the workplace. This will help you identify what needs improvement within your organisation and what employees want to learn more about to better their work experience.

Hold regular updates on ongoing training.

Depending on the type of training employees offer, it may be necessary to provide refresher courses to keep skills and knowledge up-to-date. For example, if employees attend a leadership course, you’ll want to hold regular updates on those leadership skills to ensure they remain relevant. Regular updates help keep organisational knowledge and skills up-to-date without being overbearing for employees. They’re also a great way to keep your employees engaged in the training process and stimulated at work.


Training and education are critical components of improving organisational skills. It is also essential to keep in mind that each employee learns differently. Therefore, it is necessary to offer a variety of ways to receive training. Virtual reality, videos, live seminars, or reading books could be through virtual reality.


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