5 Tips For Making Your Next Road Trip Vacay Better Than Ever

words Alexa Wang

When it comes to going on holiday, Americans are some of the luckiest people in the world. With fifty impressive states to choose from (some more than others…cough, cough) there will always be somewhere new to travel to within the United States.

Going on a long road trip vacation should be epic, but it won’t be if you’re not adequately prepared. Then it could quickly turn into a living nightmare. After everything we have been through with the pandemic and current affairs, we need a break, and the below five tips will all but guarantee that you and your family have the best time possible:

Next Road Trip

Plan Your Stops

When road tripping in America, it is easy to get side-tracked by the sights and sounds of the cities and towns. There are seemingly endless options for where you could stop for a bite to eat or a bathroom break. Instead of stopping on a whim (unless it is that kind of trip), plan your stops before you leave.

That will help you stick to your schedule and get to places on time and as planned. Give yourself and your passengers an extra 15-minute buffer time on your travel itinerary – that covers you for queues or extended meal breaks.

Make A Playlist

A road trip would be immensely boring without the perfect soundtrack to go with it! Take your passenger’s tastes into account when compiling the right playlist – as much as you may love death metal, your kids might not feel the same way.

A great go-to option is the rock classics; everyone loves car karaoke, why spoil the fun? Old pop and R&B hits work too. That way you can all enjoy the trip in your newly serviced car.

Have A Portable Power Supply

The longer the road trip is, the more exciting the destination will be – well, that is what some people say anyway. Try to keep in mind that road trips are typically more about the journey and less about the destination – so, no pressure on rushing through your trip.

If you’re going on a camping road trip, be sure to pack the essentials like a good-quality portable generator. You will need to charge your lighting and devices, so don’t skimp on one.

Pack Well

If you have a small car and think a long-distance road trip might not be on the cards for you, space-wise, think again! Small cars are just as capable of hosting and transporting families to their chosen destinations – you simply need to develop good packing skills.

There are a few rules that will help you out here:

  1. Pack Light – No one will need eight pairs of shoes
  2. Pack Tight – Learn to roll your clothing and not fold it – that will save you a ton of space
  3. Pack The Essentials – First-aid kits, bottled water, and device chargers should always be a priority
  4. Stretch Your Legs

Long-distance driving can be extremely tiring, especially if there is only one designated driver. Take driving in turns and always stop every few hours for a bathroom break and to stretch your legs. Always get a good night’s rest before you leave – the extra few hours of sleep will do wonders at keeping you alert on the roads.


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