Is It Time To Hire An SEO Agency?

words Al Woods

If you have been looking for some of the best ways to grow your business, then you have likely stumbled on SEO more than once. You might’ve even had a go at making changes to your website, buying content, and becoming more social. But SEO is a deeply nuanced thing, and dipping in and out of it isn’t going to work. To get SEO on your side and working hard for you, you need to make sure that you are committed to what you are doing at all times. 

This is where the SEO agency comes in. 

While hiring an SEO agency will come with some financial commitments, you will get so much more from doing it; the ROI is typically a large percentage. 

So what are the benefits of hiring an SEO agency?

SEO Agency tips

Photo by Myriam Jessier on Unsplash

Sales and Revenue

It goes without saying that when people can find you and see you, you will get more sales. One thing that SEO is incredible for is making sure that you get relevant traffic. People who are looking for your services and products – are ready to buy and find you at the right time. 

SEO will look at every piece of content, your competitors, optimization of your website, and more. To make sure that you have everything you need to capitalize on the traffic. 

Analytics and Data 

If you love diving into data and know-how to get the most from your Google Analytics (and other sources), then fantastic! But most people don’t have the time or the skills to do it, and that is because real SEO is a specialized thing. 

Without doing any of the hard work to get the data in order, you can gain insight into your business in a great new way. And more importantly, you have a team on hand who can tell you how you can further capitalize on the information – doubling down on their efforts and taking your business to incredible heights. 


If you are slinging random SEO plug-ins on your website, setting them up, and finding out they don’t have the right features. Deleting it and then starting over – poses a security risk to your website. It is also common for websites to buy packages to increase things like their DA by buying links which can have a negative effect. 

An SEO company won’t take risks with your website, and they will use the tools they have at their disposal to ensure there are no security issues. 

They can handle your link building checklist from backlinking and disavowing to checking your page for spam links, black-hat attacks, and so much more. Ensuring that your website is safe, secure, and thriving. 


From time to time, Google and other search engines change the goal posts and add new features and requirements. If you don’t want to or find it difficult to decipher what these things mean for you, then when working with an SEO company, you don’t have to pay any attention. 

And if you do want to have a broader understanding of what all the changes will mean for you, your SEO team will give you a rundown on adjustments that you will need to make going forward. 

More efficient 

When you try to do your own SEO, you will be going back and forth, adding things, changing things, testing, and more. For every minute you spend on this, even though it is precious, you are losing time working on client work, products, and services. 

SEO agencies have teams that will tackle several areas of your website at once and have a timeline that is the most efficient way to get the maximum output. Content, on and off-page optimization, image texts, and more will all be changed simultaneously. 

Urgent changes can be made instantly, and other SEO issues can be highlighted and corrected. If you want to find out more read more on Dagmar.


Perhaps the most important thing that you will benefit from when hiring an SEO company is that you will get all of their years of experience. SEO agencies keep their staff trained, and everything they do is beneficial for their clients. They are driven by results, and that means that all of the experience they have becomes something you will benefit from. 

What is more, is that some SEO agencies will specialize in a specific sector or have teams that do. And they will have experience with brands at all stages – and ones like yours too. 

It also means that you can ask them to see some of their previous results and decide if that is the road that you want to take. 

SEO is just one of the things that can help your business grow and succeed: 13 Steps to Making Your Business a Success Online – Flux Magazine  


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