For many families, the provision of food is the ultimate expression of love and care, meal times a chance to bond and recipes a thing passed down from parent to child. Yet for the children who rely on Kids Company, a charity that supports vulnerable young people, lack of nutrition can be the defining aspect of their poverty or neglect.
50% of those who use the charity report going to bed hungry, and the physical affects on their health and development can be marked. In response Camila Batmanghelidjh, the charities’ chief executive and her team have created the Kidsco Plate Pledge.

This initiative provides two sit down meals or food vouchers to children who would otherwise be left without, and they can enjoy their meal in a supportive environment with staff and other children. In this way the organisation hopes to not only supply basic sustenance but also emotional security, with a view to end the cycle of poverty that is often the consequence of a broken childhood. With 85% of children in Kidsco being dependent on the Plate Pledge for their main meal, this is a cause we at Flux magazine support.
For more information and to pledge you plate of food click here:
words Holly Emma Ashby