The ultimate moving checklist by California Movers

house Move

So first of all, congratulations on taking a step ahead for making a big move of your life that is deciding to move. Moving will bring and open up ample opportunities, new environment, new friends, new adventures, and whatnot.

But as good it sounds, moving is not easy. It comes with many new challenges as you take a step ahead in your moving process. Relocating to a new place can be very stressful and complicated if you haven’t planned it properly, therefore you should have a pre-plan which will help you in further process and will help your relocation a stress-free journey. A move doesn’t matter if you’re hiring movers or not, you should be careful in each step you take ahead in the process. California movers have a put together all the important points that have to be taken care of while preparing a list before a move.

Therefore, we are providing you with the researched moving checklist so that you can ease up your moving process and can easily reach relocation objectives. We believe that the moving plan should be prepared in such a way that it should include everything from A to Z to ensure that nothing is missing. All the points should be taken into consideration before preparing a checklist.” Moving plan checklist” what is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “checklist”, the entire list will determine the process and steps involved in the process which help you to have a smooth and easy moving experience.

1.   Make a financial blueprint

After you have decided that you want to relocate, the first step in the process is to estimate the total cost that will be incurred in the entire process. There are plenty of things that have to be done before the move. Having a financial blueprint is a very important thing to be done no matter what. Making and having a proper budget is the key facet that is needed in the process. But it is the first time you’re moving or relocating them. Finalizing the funds would be difficult for you as you would have no idea where to start estimating. You should know that having the right guide which will tell you about your finances would help you a lot.

2. Indulge moving experts

If you think that this point is not relevant and hence it will just add up the overall cost. It is not the proper truth, as when you plan to do things on your own it has many hidden costs that you don’t even know about. Asking the right advice from the right set of people will never disappoint you. And if you don’t know that many moving companies and experts do offer relocation offers which are not that expensive. What do you want? That your things got damaged? No right, so it is better to ask the professionals thereby eliminating the risk of damaging or destroying.

3. Enlist people for their help

This is the time where you can ask your loved ones to help you in their own unique and little ways, you can ask them for their help in the planning stage and also in the actual packing time. In this, you would save a ton as you will not be needing professional packers. Also, they can help you with loading the heavy item in the truck and if they want to help you even more than they can help in unloading which is not obvious to do so, still, they can at least help in the stages they should and can do.

4. Get rid of extra items

This is one of the important steps in the moving process, it’s better to understand that you don’t need things that you don’t need. Get rid of them before packing. This will fulfil the dual purpose firstly you will get rid of the things that you don’t need and second you will not add up one more expense to the exercise. It beats up in saving the time and relocation costs as well. It’s better to declutter your things properly and select what you need in the new place and what you don’t. And we hope that this will be beneficial Relocation advice for all of you making the moving journey a bit easier.

5. Safety should be a priority

The most important part of moving is safety, not only yours but of everyone who is involved in the process. Movers, friends, professionals, you, etc. The safety measures should be taken especially on packing day because we all know how chaotic it gets when everyone is busy with their stuff. If you’re a family person then you have to be more careful with children and older people around you.

What are your moving options?

This is one question that comes into everyone’s mind no matter what, let’s just help you in clearing your confusion. There are three options you can choose from:

  • Do-it Yourself move

This is considered as the cheapest option of all, but one of the time-consuming options. For a DIY move, you should know all the basics from a to z about the move which most of us don’t know but still do it and regret at the end.

  • Hiring Movers

This is the most common option available for all if you hire movers then they will be accountable and responsible for all the things and steps that are in the process.

  • Hybrid Movers

And if you want something in between then you can find a midway which is commonly known as hybrid movers. That is if you need help just for the loading and unloading then you can have it. 

We have helped you with the best relocation advice on how to plan your moving checklist, what all should be included in the checklist and what all are your options available for the move. We hope this will help your moving journey easy and smooth.


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