words Al Woods

In any way, comfort is crucial when you arrange your accommodation. Here, the word “comfort” means a lot, including such things as:
- Space;
- Availability of a needed furniture piece whenever you need it;
- The convenience of using the furniture you have;
- Design.
What about automating at least a part of your furniture? Yep, purchasing, say, a height-adjustable desk might be quite devastating for your budget. Getting a TV lift might cost you more than 1,000 USD. These are the expenses that not everybody can afford even though they boost the comfort level.
You can automate your furniture yourself, any custom linear actuator for your needs can be purchased from a reliable manufacturer. We will offer some ideas; however, this is not a limit. If you have some skills, you can automate whatever you want and in a way you want.
An Automated TV Lift
Technology is changing every day. It might be time to replace your old TV with an ultra-modern device. With this decision though, some issues might arise.
One of the most common problems connected with the purchase of a new item is space. If you don’t live in a big house, it might be a serious obstacle to purchasing the TV-set of your dreams.
A viable solution is installing your new TV on a nice TV lift. You can either make it or buy a ready installation system. One of the options is to install your TV in a cabinet if you already have one. A luxury solution indeed is to arrange your TV lift in an electric fireplace. Newer fireplace options even come with an opening for this purpose.
Another option, and to tell the truth, this is considered as a luxury sign, is to install a ceiling TV lift. It will allow you to lower your device to watch a favourite movie or a TV show and to lift it when needed. This option is perfect if you don’t have a cabinet available.
An Automated Kitchen Rack
In your kitchen, you can automate just anything. It will save plenty of space and turn cooking into something exceptionally pleasant. Thus, when we say “an automated kitchen rack”, it can be just anything.
The most popular option is a spice rack. You can make an opening in the kitchen table and install an actuator that will lift or lower a platform with spices. It is super convenient and saves space.
One more widespread solution is an automated rack for utensils. You can make it appear from behind a wall cabinet or hide when cooking is over. It improves the design and is more hygienical than keeping all the tools outside.
There are more incredible ideas. We like very much the idea of a popup stand for a coffee machine or food processor. With them, you don’t need to look for the devices or try to arrange them in cabinets. Just with a push of a button, you remove them when not needed or make them appear. This saves a lot of time and looks just cool.
A Bed Lift for an Additional Storage Space
This is a perfect idea for those who live in a small house or an apartment. If you are constantly looking for options to save space, a bed lift is a right solution for you. Just imagine: the entire space under your bed can be used to store things!
Some beds are made to allow storing things. They even have a special storage compartment. If you have such a bed, all you need to do is to install the actuators so that they lift one side of the bed frame. You will not need to lift the bed frame on your own. Moreover, considering that the actuators have a special locking feature, so even if the system fails, the actuator will be blocked in the same position, these systems are very safe.
If you don’t have a storage compartment under your bed, you can order one or make it yourself. Further, follow the same procedure as described above.
A Height-Adjustable Desk and Related Accessories
A height-adjustable desk is a real problem-solver for those who work from home. If you spend some time at a desk and suffer from sitting-related problems, this is the solution for you. You might either purchase one or make one.
If you opt for the first option, make sure you get a desk from a reliable manufacturer. Take all the measures. Select the option that matches the interior and looks nice.
If you have a favourite desk and want to turn it into a height-adjustable one, it is possible, too. For that, you need to choose a lift system. Install the desk on it, and your new height-adjustable table is ready.
A height-adjustable table is not the only purchase that you might want to make. If you want to arrange your working place properly, you can choose a nice ergonomic chair. Some of them are height-adjustable, and some items might even have an option to regulate the inclination.
There is one more accessory that could accompany your new installation and improve your working conditions enormously: an adjustable support for the computer monitor. You can adjust it depending on your position, the position of the desk, and so on.
Any More Ideas? There Are Many!
Just have a look around. Are there any things that you need but that break the interior? Or maybe you see something that is complicated to use, and with a lifting system, the item will become more usable? Or it can be that you would like to buy a piece of furniture but you don’t have where to install it. All those are the issues that can be solved with a correct actuator or an actuator system.
A reliable manufacturer provides nowadays all types of actuators, in all sizes, of any power, and similar. Thus, decide what you want to automate, choose the right actuator or actuator system solution, and move on with your idea!