Things You Need to Prevent Your Bike from Ever Being Stolen

words Alexa Wang

protect Bike

Having your bike stolen from you is an issue that is not only quite common but potentially devastating. After all, a two-wheeler worth thousands of dollars is not something many can replace overnight and without any problems. To make matters worse, there is no guarantee that the police will ever find the culprit and your bike. As such, the best course of action is to prevent theft altogether.

Making your bike secure from potential robbers is easier than you might think. First things first, you should always make your storage area as secure as possible. Then you might want to invest in a U-lock. Moreover, consider installing an anti-theft bike alarm system to scare the robbers away. Finally, consider putting a GPS locator on your two-wheeler to help police find it if stolen. Read on and make your bike as safe as possible!

Ensure That Your Bike Storage Area Is Secure

First things first, you want to make sure that your bike stays safe and secure even in your home. The best way to do this is to keep it locked at all times. However, some people do not have enough space or simply are not  able to use locks. As such, they can opt for a cable lock instead. Just make sure you do not leave it hanging around – you might run the risk of someone cutting through it and snatching your bike in no time.

Even if you do have enough space to put your bike away, but you still cannot install a lock, you can still take other precautions. If you store it in the garage, make sure that the garage door closes properly – if not, replace broken rollers or any other necessary parts. If you keep your bike in a shed, consider putting a sturdy padlock on the doors to make entry as hard as possible.

Or maybe think about installing night vision cameras in the location your store your dear two-wheeler. The very presence of such a device might discourage eventual burglars as they will know the cover of darkness is useless here.

protect Bike

Always Go For a U-Lock

The next thing you want to do is to invest in a U-lock. This type of lock offers maximum protection against theft and makes it nearly impossible for any thief to get through. They are also quite affordable and you can find one that will fit your budget. Just make sure that you pick the best one on the market, as there are plenty of options out there. The general rule you should follow is that the padlock shouldn’t be worth more than your bike – after all, if the thief gets through it, you will lose two very valuable items for no gain. Moreover, always lock your bike through both a wheel and the frame.

Consider the Anti-Theft Bike Alarm System

An anti-theft bike alarm system is the perfect addition to any toolkit. It is a device that you put on your bike, which emits an ear-piercing alarm whenever someone tries to tamper with it. The best thing about this system is that the alarm makes it nearly impossible for the person to keep trying. Additionally, the alarm might alert others and scare the robber away. It can come in handy if you are not home at the time, so always consider investing in one if you have enough budget. Just remember to disengage it properly when you are about to use the bike – that is, unless you wish to be treated with an ear-splitting scream for no reason.

Put a GPS Locator on Your Bike

While this is not a must-have item, it is still useful. A GPS locator will allow you to track your bike if it is ever stolen. This way, you can alert the police and help them recover it easily. Moreover, you might get an idea of where the robber might be located, so you can go there and have it returned to you. There are plenty of different GPS tracking systems on the market, so you should pick one with the most efficient battery system and the best ability to lock onto a satellite.


In the end, preventing your bike from being stolen is very much possible. All you need to do is make sure that you are using a secure storage place, invest in a U-lock, put an anti-theft bike alarm system on your bike, and put a GPS locator on it just in case. If you do this, it will be extremely hard for anyone to steal your bike from you.

Most likely, one or more of these systems will stall the thief long enough for someone to notice the robbery attempt or simply discourage them from even trying. No matter the method, the end result should be a safe bike! Good luck!


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