Top 5 reasons to move to Belgium

words Alexa Wang

Moving from one city to another is a huge decision and an enormous task. However, if the city you’re moving to holds great promise, it speeds your choice.

Belgium is one country that draws students, tourists, and all people to itself all year round. People enjoy the environment, culture, staples, great houses, and a mixture of languages there.

Why Should You Move to Belgium?

If you are still not sure whether to move to Belgium or not, here are the top five reasons why you should grab your bag and hit the road!

  1. Housing

The housing system in Belgium is conducive and affordable. It is something that you definitely should not worry about. Getting the right apartment for you in Belgium is stress-free. 

When you take the right steps, regardless of the city you wish to stay in, the process is easy. Getting the best rental accommodation in Brussels is more manageable with online platforms. You can reach out to landlords directly and secure a room or apartment in advance.

  1. Multiculturalism

Belgium is an amazingly multicultural country. It has spaces for everyone. It is not everywhere in the world you can see Moroccans, Italians, West-Africans, and Chinese mingling in collective existence.

Although issues of racism and discrimination are rampant, there’s a good side to the mixture. Belgium offers you this rare mixture that speaks unity. This coexistence has birthed colorful staples and multidimensional outlooks.

  1. Language

Belgium is interestingly multilingual. Apart from French, German, and Dutch, several non-official languages exist as well. In the distribution of these languages, Dutch (Flemish) takes 59.6%, French, 40%, and German, 0.4%.

It is a great place to get familiar with several languages. If you develop an interest and want to learn a new language like French, the multilingual environment and speakers offer you moral support. Belgian French is quite easy for non-native speakers to catch up quite quickly!

  1. Food

There is no point in going to a place where there is no great food to enjoy. Belgium has an interesting restaurant legacy. Recipes like the Belgian Fries are price winners. The Belgian national delicacy is a given of most restaurants.

A variety of dishes like the Grey Shrimp Croquettes, Moules-Frites, Waterzooi, and lots more are at your disposal.

  1. Healthcare

When considering factors that can encourage relocating to Belgium, healthcare sits high on the list. Health is wealth, and good healthcare is on the priority list of everyone. The hospitals are well equipped and have a reputation for health security.

Belgium operates a functional healthcare practice. Osteopathy and homeopathy as alternative healthcare systems. Patients have access to specialists without necessarily going through a General Practitioner.


Relocating to Belgium is a decision that cannot go wrong for several reasons. Moving requires strategic planning and deep consideration. These reasons above will set you on the right track to making the right decision.


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