How source free images for your posts

words Al Woods

Graphics are an essential factor that enhances how you communicate with other people. It serves to convey your concepts in a way that is not only effective but also beautiful.

But many people don’t know is that we can’t use any images we find on Google. Using them for their benefit can be disastrous, and it can only create copyright and royalty problems. Fortunately, there are multiple ways available to get free images for your blogs and postings.

Let’s see how we can use royalty-free images without having any copyright issue.

free images

Download images from websites that provide free content

Multiple websites provide free content or sometimes with minimal pay range. The simplest way is to use royalty-free images for your posting purposes. Many artists need to publish their work for fame or generosity and not for money. They are not necessarily graphic designers but mostly photographers too. Having their images posted by many people can be beneficial for them. Many high-quality photos and abstract images are uploaded on site dedicated to providing legal, free images which are highly recommended to find the desired graphics quickly.

Create your images

Creating your graphics is in trend nowadays. But there is an obstacle in this process. First, you need to invest a lot of time and efforts into it. Even after learning the necessary tools, there are no way we can get the exact results? When it comes to photos, we need high-level cameras and other amenities to click a perfect shot. Even though it’s hard to do so, you can for creating your graphics.

free image

Take help from professionals

This one is the least preferable option for getting free images. We need all these images for the following reasons:

  1. Posting on social media
  2. Uploading on Website
  3. Advertising
  4. Presentations
  5. Packaging / Printing

In such conditions, it’s not always possible to put money and work dependency on other professionals. Yet, if you have a big-time margin, budget and teams to deal with other firms/individuals, there is a good chance that it works out well.

These three are the most efficient ways to get free images. Other firms that need free images are ad agencies and digital marketing agencies, or digital marketing companies. They usually need these images for posing purposes and branding. If you are working in the marketing and advertising sector, you probably know all the rules of using these royalty-free images already.

But let’s see What Not to Do while downloading these graphics:

  1. Always check the copyright

Before downloading the image, always check to whom it belongs and if that person/company has put any copyright on it?

2. Check policies

Even when you get the images from a free image download website, there are a few policies to go through before using the images or photos.

3. Get license 

Suppose you are part of big firms/companies that deal with digital marketing and web development. In that case, it’s to keep a license of the image you are using, mainly when the graphics are used for benefit.

Consider all these points, and you are good to go with the pre-available images on the internet.


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