The Rise of Female Gamers – How it Impacts the Gaming Industry

words Alexa Wang

In recent times, there has been a sharp rise in the number of female video game players. Gaming has historically been seen as a male-dominated activity, but a report from the Entertainment Software Association in 2022 revealed that almost half of all gamers in the US identify as female. It is fantastic to see such a big industry become more diverse and the rise of female gamers is changing the industry for the better.

Female Gamers

Different Trends in Female Gamers Around the World

There have also been studies that look into the motivations for gaming in female players around the world and they revealed some interesting insights. For example, French female gamers use video games as a form of escapism but also as a way to challenge themselves and seek out competition. This differs from the male French gamers who use gaming as a way to manage stress and achieve success. In Taiwan, meanwhile, women play for social purposes and for the achievements while men play simply as a way to pass the time. A study also found that female gamers play all types of game genres and use various different platforms and devices.

How the Rise in Female Gamers Impacts Ads

The rise in female gamers is also transforming the ads industry and could change the adverts that people see as brands change their messaging to appeal to this group. Gaming is a passion for many female gamers with many playing over 5 times a week and it can be a way to relieve stress, escape from daily life, have some fun at home and even maintain relationships with friends (and make new friends online). Many female gamers also enjoy watching gaming content, such as esports. This means that female gamers are a growing segment of the gaming community and one that advertisers will look to target. Additionally, the different motivations and gaming behaviours could change the messaging with brands looking for the best ways to engage this growing segment.

How Can You Set up Your Gaming Environment

Whether you are a new gamer or you have been playing for many years, you want to make sure that you have the ultimate gaming setup at home to improve your gaming experience. This will involve having a comfortable gaming chair, the best possible graphics card for your computer, a pair of high-quality headphones and mood lighting. Those that work in healthcare can benefit from an HMV discount code NHS that will help you to make savings on tech, accessories and games.

It is fantastic to see the rise in female gamers over the years and it will be interesting to see how this changes the industry in the years to come. Gaming can be a great activity for anyone as a way to escape, relieve stress and have some fun and the gaming community is now growing and evolving.


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