Car tyre checks for a problem free drive

words Al Woods

It is very important to ensure safety when it comes to driving. It is not only the engine or brakes that play an important part in functioning of a vehicle , but also car tyres. Driving on the busy roads of London might have caused your vehicle tyres to burn out due to prolonged road friction.

In order to make your tyres roadworthy the post mentions useful tyre care tips.

Car tyre checks

Check the Wheel Alignment

For the safety of your vehicle it is very important to note that the wheel alignment of the tyres is in place. Wheels that are not properly aligned can cause your vehicle to drift to a single direction while driving, it can also cause squeaking noise coming out from the tyres and can cause damage to the steering wheel as you drive. If you keep a proper check on the alignment of your wheels it will not only help your car from imbalancing but also your tyres will have a prolonged life and fuel efficiency of the vehicle will improve.

Check the Tyre Tread Depth

There is a protective rubber layer surrounded around tyre that helps the tyres to be kept safe from prolonged road friction. You know you drive a car and encounter many road bumps in between thus impacting the quality of your tyres. If you check your tyres for a proper tread depth level that needs to be 1.6mm you will be saving up the car tyres from wear and tear before it is expected.Our advice is to get rid of bad tyres and replace them for a safe journey on the road. You can also check out car tyres at DAT Tyres – for tyre fitting you can call here 020 8969 3030.

tyre checks

Check your tyres for proper pressure

An unbalanced tyre pressure can cause lots of car haltage problems while driving. Over balanced air pressure and under balanced air pressure can both cause tyres quality to suffer. An over balanced air pressure might cause flattening of the tyre if contacted with any road bump. While under balanced pressure in tyres can cause your tyres to wear out quicker then expected along with damaging the quality of the tyre rubber.

All the above mentioned tyre checks will help you avoid any unnecessary tyre trouble while you are on the road.


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