Useful Gift Ideas for The Crafty Person in Your Life

words Alexa Wang

Gift Ideas

We all know someone who loves challenging themselves and making things from scratch. Many crafters manage to improve anything they touch by adding their own personal flair to a once mundane item, or maybe their artistic abilities can create something no one else would have thought to do.

The arts are so important and having that outlet to unleash creativity should never be concealed. So, if you want to reward and encourage your talented loved one, here are some useful gift ideas for the crafty person in your life. 

Art and Craft Books

This might seem like an obvious one, but it is an ideal gift for anyone who loves to immerse themselves in the arts. If you know the person well, you should take their interests into account. For instance, if they often like to get creative with leftover material, you can surprise them with a book on how to utilize things around the house and transform them into beautiful items. A book about recycling plastic or paper and creating pretty ornaments with it would come in handy and keep them busy for hours on end. 


If you have a talented friend who loves a DIY project, then a tailor-kit is the ultimate gift. Clothes-makers can never have too many tools at their disposal, so consider a sewing kit, sewing machine, vinyl cutter, a printing kit, or even fabric if you know what they’re looking for. The crafty folks over at explain that designers can benefit immensely from having the right machine. So, make sure you compare products and check out reviews and guides to ensure you purchase the right bundle for your loved one. If your friend often dabbles in designing creative T-shirts, consider a heat press product to help them showcase their unique attire. 

Jewelry-Making Kit 

Another great DIY kit for an experimenter is a jewelry making kit; that way, they can make the accessories to match their new outfit. This gift also often varies in price, so you can go for the fancy jewelry kit, or a fun, affordable version to make playful necklaces. 

Embroidery Stitch Sampler and Embroidery Kit 

If your creative buddy isn’t quite the craftsman yet, you can consider getting them an embroidery stitch sampler to practice before they go needle-crazy. They can dabble in a little fun doodling and might even become good enough to personalize your table cloth. Then, you can surprise them with the embroidery kit as they perfect their skills.

String Holders and Bags 

Another great gift for crafty designers is a string holder or bag. If your loved one is known to stock up on wool, yarn, among other materials to cultivate their ideal home project, then purchasing a string holder or bag, so that they can keep all their material safe and organized would be perfect. There’s nothing like a nice setup for a crafter to get to work, so providing them with a little storage would be convenient. 


A fantastic gift for the artist in your life would be a paint-kit. A nice set of watercolors, perhaps, or a new set of brushes if theirs are displaying a little wear and tear. You can also consider purchasing canvas if you want to go all out for their present. Any painter out there will certainly appreciate gifts that encourage them to be creative. A paint-by-numbers kit is ideal for that friend that is just getting started. 

A Glue Gun

Every crafter needs a glue gun! However, most standard glue guns aren’t always equipped with the appropriate safety measures. Make life more convenient for your pal by splurging a little and providing them with an upgraded glue gun with the auto-off setting. They will appreciate the thought as well. 

A Sketchbook

Gift Ideas

A sketchbook is a necessity for any artist, which is why providing them with a new, sleek one is the epitome of thoughtful. High-quality paper is a must to help them save all their good ideas. Drawing on an extra thick sketchbook is going to be much more enjoyable for them and will motivate them to keep up their good work.

Spoiling your crafty friend with something they can utilize to explore their passions is always a good idea. A gift tells someone that you’re thinking of them, a crafty gift for a crafty friend tells them you admire and appreciate their innate gift. It doesn’t matter whether you treat them to a useful tool or just supply them with a sewing kit for storage, they will be forever grateful that you want to support their artistry. 


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