Which vitamins are beneficial to the skin, and how do they work?

words Alexa Wang

vitamins beneficial skin

Looking for healthier, cleaner, and younger looking skin? The answer might be found in vitamins.

If there’s one thing that almost all people have in common, it is skin. Why, if a person didn’t have skin, they’d be in real trouble. A skin-free person would have countless difficulties with pain and cleanliness, not to mention appearance. They say that beauty is skin-deep, and it’s true; skin really does help to make a person look more beautiful.

If you’re looking to improve your skin, then vitamins might be the answer you’re looking for. For example, vitamin b5 for acne is a great solution for clearing up blemishes. There are many skin treatments that involve vitamins, and if you choose the right one, the results can be breathtaking. Getting the right vitamins can help with skin issues such as:

– dryness

– rough patches

– redness

– dark spots

– wrinkles

A guide to vitamin skin treatments that everybody can understand

Vitamins are important to many different aspects of our health and you can now easily buy vitamins online at the click of a button. When a person’s vitamin levels drop to low levels, this can cause detrimental conditions like scurvy and rickets. On the other hand, taking the right level of vitamins can have a beneficial quality on one’s health. Certain vitamins can even help to improve your skin.

In this article, we’ll look at a few different vitamins and how they work to make your skin looks its best. And, because we know that understanding vitamins and how they work in the body can be complicated, we’ve laid it out in a simple and easy to understand fashion. You shouldn’t need a PhD to get great looking skin!

Protect both upper and lower layers of skin with Vitamin A

All our cells need Vitamin A if they are to grow healthily. Vitamin A is found in many serums for your skin, and the intended result is usually to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines by turning over cells more quickly, leaving you with healthier, younger looking skin.

Vela Day’s Active Compound utilises Retinol, a type of compound derived from Vitamin A. Delivering retinol to the right layer of the skin can help to treat skin conditions and help with anti-ageing.

Vitamin D is necessary for healthy skin cells

Most commonly, Vitamin D is made by having sunlight absorbed by your skin. Usually, we think of going out in the sun as being something that is damaging to the skin, but if you’re spending so much time indoors that you’re not getting enough Vitamin D, that can be problematic, too! Vitamin D can help with your skin tone and is even thought to treat conditions like psoriasis.

Need more Vitamin D? There are many options, ranging from heading outside more often, to changing your diet, to getting supplements or using treatments that feature the vitamin.

Fight the aging process with Vitamin C

You’ll find Vitamin C in many antiaging treatments. This is because Vitamin C found in high levels on both the upper and lower layers of skin. Vitamin C plays a key role in collagen production, and this is a necessary component of keeping skin looking healthy.

Upping the amount of Vitamin C in your system, by changing your diet and using Vitamin C skin treatments, can make a big difference. It should decrease cell damage, speed up the healing process, and may even reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

vitamins skin

Vitamin E can minimise damage from the sun

Vitamin E is usually produced in the human body through sebum. This is an oily substance that gets emitted through the pores in our skin. Vitamin E can absorb UV light from the sun, and this protects the skin from sun damage.

People with dry skin might not be getting enough Vitamin E. Many people find that they have great results on their skin when using products that contain a combination of both Vitamin E and Vitamin C together.

Vitamin K:A special vitamin for improving your skin

Vitamin K is important in helping the human body clot blood. But that’s not all it is good for. Vitamin K is also thought to help with a host of other skin conditions. These include:

– Scars

– Dark spots

– Circles under the eyes

– Spider veins

– Stretch marks


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