Why celebrities prefer the natural look and how to get it for yourself

Why celebrities prefer the natural look and how to get it for yourself – words Alexa Wang

The days of piling on the makeup is definitely over, because the more natural you look nowadays, the more beautiful you are.

Many celebrities are now saying they prefer the natural look by looking after their skin better. If you want to obtain that natural look for yourself, be sure to read our celebrity-worthy tips below.


Get Enough Rest

When you want to keep your skin looking young and radiant, you will need to get the right amount of rest. Even though our busy lives keep demanding more of us, sleep is essential to keep those obvious signs of ageing at bay.

Not getting enough sleep can have some immediate consequences for your radiant skin as well, because many experience problems such as dark circles and bags under the eyes. If this sounds like a familiar problem to you, have a good look at your current sleeping patterns and make the necessary adjustments if needed.

Add Vitamin C to Your Diet

Eating the right foods will contribute to a better looking skin. Foods containing high levels of vitamin C are especially useful, because this vitamin has a direct link to healthy organs and skin. Therefore, be sure to add some oranges or other vitamin C rich foods to your diet.

Keep Your Skin Hydrated

Good hydration of the skin will make sure that some signs of ageing stay at bay longer. To help you keep your skin hydrated, it is recommended to buy a good moisturiser[1] and massage the moisturiser into your skin to get the best results from your skincare product. In addition to that, it is also recommended to drink plenty of water; this will keep your body and your skin radiant and rejuvenated.


Non-Surgical Cosmetic Treatments

You do not need to get Botox to obtain a younger looking skin, because many cosmetic surgeons offer a plethora of non-surgical cosmetic treatments  from a leading Cosmetic Surgeon Dr Lanzer, that do not require an incision, for example laser skin resurfacing, skin peels and dedicated skincare treatments. These treatments will keep your skin looking young and radiant and are usually accompanied by a considerably shorter recovery time. Of course, as is the case with all cosmetic procedures, always make sure you have all the information you need for a specific treatment before you go ahead.

Protect Your Skin Against the Sun

One of the main reasons why our skin gets damaged is the sun[2], because the ultraviolet light coming from the sun can damage elastin fibres present in our skin. When elastin starts to break down, our skin can start to sag or stretch, subsequently looking older and less radiant.

To ensure your skin, and the elastin fibres within the skin, stay protected against harmful ultraviolet light, it is essential to protect your skin with sunscreen every time you leave the house. Make sure you always use a sunscreen with at least 15 SPF. If the situation requires it, use a higher SPF to block out as much ultraviolet light as possible.

Get Some Pore Strips

Pore strips are used to clean clogged pores, mainly on the nose. Over the course of time, some parts of our skin can get clogged with dirt and even old skin cells, which is why it is important to cleanse the face from time to time. Fortunately, pore strips are quite affordable and only need to be used every once in a while.

Chocolate Is Good for the Skin

The statement that chocolate is good for the skin may seem counterintuitive to you, since many people know that eating too much chocolate may cause acne, but eating a little bit of chocolate from time to time can actually help to keep your skin healthy. However, to get the most benefit out of chocolate, you should be eating dark chocolate, since this is the type of chocolate that contains the most antioxidants with skin protecting properties.

Incorporate Cardio

Not only skincare and good nutrition is important to keep your skin healthy and radiant, you will also need to do some cardio on a regular basis. When you do cardio, the body will transport nutrients and oxygen all over the body, which includes your skin, so if you do not exercise on a regular basis, your skin may carry the consequences.

Keeping your skin healthy and young is a matter of living a good lifestyle, a rule most celebrities have to keep to themselves. While celebrities can hire personal trainers and nutritionists by the bucket load, you have to depend on your own determination and willingness to keep you skin in peek condition. That being said, the effort you put in is definitely worth the results in the long run.

Why celebrities prefer the natural look and how to get it for yourself – words Alexa Wang

[1] “Feel Good Skin Care Tips”, GLAMOUR (2016), available from URL: http://www.glamour.com/gallery/25-of-our-favorite-feel-good-skin-care-tips-of-all-time-2012-03#3

[2] “Cosmetic Procedures: Sun Exposure and Skin Cancer”, WEBMD (2016), available from URL: http://www.webmd.com/beauty/sun-exposure-skin-cancer#1



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