Anthropology by Mark Powell – Powerful & moving portraiture

Anthropology by Mark Powell – Powerful portraiture at the Hang-Up Gallery – written by Bojana Duric

Artist Mark Powell has returned to Hang-Up gallery – located in the eclectic neighbourhood of Stoke Newington – for his new show entitled Anthropology.

Known for his incredibly detailed biro pen drawings using found material as his canvas, Powell continues to leave people in awe with a moving portrayal of human beings he’s met throughout his travels.


The exhibition features an exclusive collection of original pen and ink drawings as well as a selection of limited edition print releases. Anthropology takes you through a journey around the world.  The show exhibits an anthropological documentation through Powell’s eyes as he immerses himself in different cultures and new experiences. His work captures an immense amount of detail – from the texturing of the hair, to the wrinkles around the eyes – that gives away age – and even to the stitching on the clothing, Powell manages to lure you into each drawing as you try to take in all the impeccable mastery.  To add another anthropological element to his artwork, he uses found vintage material as his canvas. Not only does he preserve the history behind the objects found, but he also uses the canvas to add to an untold story.

The detailing isn’t the only luring thing about Powell’s work – it’s the subject’s eyes that really add a powerful component. Walking around the gallery, you get this feeling as though you’re being watched – and it’s not in a creepy way. The drawings feel so lifelike it’s hard to take your gaze away. As you stare into the eyes of any one of his subjects, you can’t help but wait to get a response. The eyes have a story to tell – whether it’s grief, heartache, or whether they’ve just seen too much. The connection between you and the drawing is unreal. Even though you know it’s simply a drawing, it feels like there’s some kind of an understanding between you and the artwork presented.

The Anthropology exhibition by Mark Powell ends this week 10 April 2016 at the Hang-Up Gallery.

Anthropology by Mark Powell – Powerful portraiture at the Hang-Up Gallery – written by Bojana Duric












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