Born in the EU – A love song to a whole continent

Born in the EU – A love song to a whole continent – words Adam Weeks

It’s hard to truly love the EU. But it’s even harder to want to choose to leave so I will be making sure I vote Remain. I feel European as well as British and we have to stay in the club and get our voice heard. It will be a sad day if Farage and all his right wing pals win through and I fear what will happen next.

The band Spector have a genuine love and passion for the EU and I thought today would be a good day to share this song Born in the EU with you.

And some words from Fred on the song and Born in the EU lyrics & the EU Referendum:

“I wrote Born In The EU with our old guitarist Chris Burman in 2013, a few months before he left Spector. We’d known each other since we were 11 and the song was kind of a love letter to each other, and the story of that love on an adventure round the continent we’d spent so much of the previous years touring. We’d often discussed feeling European as opposed to British – an affectation maybe, but one that allowed us to take pride in being part of something larger, more cultural, unknown and adventurous. I remember being a child and not really having a notion of what ‘Englishness’ was until the first times I went to France, Spain, Germany, Italy etc. Countries not defined by their differences and their flags, but by their unity, shared history and constantly migrating/mixing populations.”

    “We never ‘finished’ this the Born in the EU song and weren’t sure we were ever going to release it but then it dawned on me that by the end of this week we might no longer even be a part of Europe, and for one of the first times in my life, I felt the clock tick. “I’m not gonna tell you how to vote, just vote” is a popular internet adage, and though I can’t disagree with the sentiment, this one seems a little too big to keep our opinions to ourselves. Unlike a general election we won’t get another chance in five years. For me, the vote comes down to what sort of country we are. Are we outward looking and internationalist? Or inward looking, parochial and xenophobic.”

Born in the EU – A love song to a whole continent by the Spector band- words Adam Weeks

Born in the EUBorn in the EU


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