Bringing your new cat home

words Al Woods

If the time has come to bring your beautiful new cat home, then there are a number of important things to remember to ensure you’re ready to welcome them into your family. Cats are extremely sensitive animals and need to be cared for properly to ensure they feel safe and content. From the surroundings within your home, to the travelling options, we’ve compiled some essential tips to ensure your cat has the very best experience coming home with you.

your new cat

First Things First…

Before you head out to pick your cat up to bring them home, you need to ensure that their new environment is ready for them. Your home is a completely new place for your cat, with new smells and areas to explore, but you must ensure it’s safe and cat friendly. Initially, it’s recommended that your cat is introduced to a small, safe room for them to settle into. Managing Director, Ollie Robilliard from Petwell says “Being in a new place can be scary cats, so giving them a safe place to settle in before you introduce them to the rest of the house is crucial.” Within this space you should include a cosy bed, some fresh water, treats and toys so that your cat has plenty to do whilst settling into their new home.

The Journey Home

Heading to pick your cat up to bring them home is extremely exciting, especially when you’ve been preparing for weeks in advance. Remember to take a comfortable carrier for you to transport your cat home in, as this will keep them safe and help to move them comfortably without any stress. Add a cosy blanket into the carrier for extra comfort too. Whilst they’re in the car on the way home, try to drive slowly and gently, as your cat may feel a little unsettled and stressed from the movement of the car in general. Pay them plenty of attention and affection to keep your cat happy and calm, as this will really help to make the journey more pleasurable for them.

Welcoming Them Home

Now that your cat is finally in the comfort of their new home, it’s time to help them acclimatise and get used to their new surroundings. Settle your cat into their dedicated room, letting them stroll around and stretch their legs, have a sniff and explore a little. Leave your cat alone for a few minutes so that they can familiarise themselves, then head back into the room with some tasty food for them to tuck into. If dealing with a kitten, Purina have some delicious recipes that are packed full of the essentials to give your kitten the best start in life, as well as giving them a tasty dinner to enjoy every day! Once you’re confident that your cat is happy in their new space, you can leave the door open and allow them to wander freely as and when they feel comfortable doing so. Once happy, your cat will take to their new surroundings and explore, enjoying the rest of the house too!

Healthcare and Grooming

It’s really important to know everything there is to know about your cat. From any healthcare issues to the condition of their skin and fur, now is the time to monitor them and ensure you’re grooming them in the best way, as well as booking them in at your vets for the necessary health checks, vaccinations and so on. This will ensure that your cat is healthy and happy for many years to come.

homing new cat


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