The changing face of a career in construction

The changing face of a career in construction – words Al Woods

Oh, to be a celebrity, a pop star, a top blogger, photographer or famous writer. For some reason, when we’re young, these can seem like the only type of jobs worth aspiring to.

However, university courses related to these jobs, such as music or journalism are oversubscribed, which can lead to many young people getting a degree but having little chance of ever getting the job they desired.

When we were trying to renovate our centuries old cottage deep in the Pennines, we could not believe how hard it was to get contactors to turn up and even quote. Many builders, roofers, surveyors and experts had waiting lists to be even considered for a visit. This was in an area known for having sections of the population having no job opportunities. We became aware of just how lopsided our country had become.

Thankfully this situation now seems to be changing. With the demand for more housing seemingly always on the rise, getting a job in the construction sector could be a very good move toward a long-term and fulfilling career.

Welcome to the WOW show. It’s an interactive show aimed at young people to help alter their perceptions of the world of work. Their latest episode focuses on the construction industry and showcases the vast range of jobs involved in the sector – jobs such as architect, interior designer, surveyors, even marketers and environmental experts are all involved as well as jobs related to the actual construction itself. There is also the science of building to consider. How do you make sure a 60-story structure is safe and can handle the elements such as high winds and in some country’s earthquakes?

The show has been produced by award-winning filmmakers and storytellers. There are life diaries filmed by young apprentices using their own smartphones to give an insight into the day to day experiences of people those entering the industry. The careers prospects really are boundless and hopefully this film will give pupils and students food for thought as they consider their future lives and careers.

The WOW film is commissioned by the Construction Industry Training Board and hopes to challenge some of the myths around an industry that really is open to the many and not just the few. The show is supported by a range of curriculum-linked teacher support materials, which teachers can access for free here:


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