How to Dress for Success on Your Next Zoom Call From Home

words Al Woods

There are many benefits of conducting some or all of your calls via Zoom (or a similar platform). For example, since you don’t have to leave home, it’s easier to be comfortable in your environment. And with that, you’re sure to feel more confident in your ability to perform at a high level. 

However, just because you’re on a Zoom call it doesn’t mean that you can wear your pajamas. Sure, some people do this — and there’s nothing wrong with it, as long as it’s an accepted practice at your company — but that doesn’t mean you have to follow suit. There are many things you can do to dress for success on your next Zoom call from home. Check out these tips.

Zoom Call dress

1. Know Your Audience (Match the Room)

If you’re having a casual conversation with a co-worker or client that you know well, you don’t have any concerns about what you’re wearing. However, if you’re jumping into a room with a large group — including people you don’t know — it’s best to match the room. Do this by asking others, in advance, about their plans. And of course, if you don’t know anyone else in the meeting, it’s better to be safe than sorry. In other words, you don’t want to arrive in your workout gear while everyone else is dressed to the nines. 

2. Have a Go-To Outfit

If you have a go-to outfit, keep it close by so that you can get dressed at a moment’s notice.  For example, you could hang a few of your favorite men’s designer ties nearby so that you can grab one when necessary. 

Note: If you’re unsure of what to wear to your Zoom meetings, this article will help you find a few stylish looks for 2022 (and beyond). 

3. It’s Better to Overdress

It’s better to overdress than underdress. Sure, you may end up being the only person in the meeting wearing a dress shirt and tie, but that’s better than being the only person in the meeting wearing a t-shirt and baseball cap. If you have any doubts about what you should wear, lean toward the goal of overdressing. The more Zoom calls you attend, the more you’ll come to realize how you should present yourself. 

4. Work From the Waist Up

One of the nice things about a Zoom call is that the other people can only see you from the waist up (if that). So, for the most part, you don’t need to overdress from the waist down. It sounds silly, but you could wear a dress shirt, tie, and sports coat, along with a pair of sweatpants. As long as you don’t stand up, nobody will know what else you’re wearing. This allows you to present yourself professionally, all while maintaining a greater level of comfort. 

5. Ask for Feedback

If all else fails, ask other people for feedback on what you should and should not wear at your next Zoom meeting. When possible, consult with others who will be on the call. This allows you to better match the room (see above). And of course, if you ever feel that you’re underdressed for a Zoom call, ask for advice or guidelines moving forward. 

For instance, you may find that your company has a dress code that they want you to follow — at least when you’re on calls with outside organizations, such as suppliers and customers. You can also search online for tips and guidance on how to style yourself for a Zoom call. It never hurts to review a few images of other people who are going through the same thing as you. They can set a good example for you to follow in the future. 

Final Thoughts

With so many people moving toward remote work, there’s a good chance you’ll continue to take Zoom calls well into the future. When doing so, it’s good practice to dress for success. Using the five tips above, you’ll find yourself on the right track.

Are there any other tips that you follow when getting dressed for a Zoom call? Are there any mistakes you have made in the past? How did you rectify them? 


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