Trellise, Latticework, Vines and Pergola in Landscaping and Design

Trellise, Latticework, Vines and Pergola in Landscaping and Design – words Alan Woods

Wooden structures are here to make the world a better place, embellish through the sheer beauty of the wooden texture and the extraordinary amount of vegetation and greenery that surprises and beautifies the whole.

Vines like Hardy Kiwi, Wisteria, Bougainvillea, Dutchman`s Pipe and Virginia Creeper are the usual suspects when it come to landscaping and design, all being able to enhance, to redefine a pergola with the green element, shade, flower, all along a cozy wooden texture that sculpts space.

Pergolas and Latticework

The usual pergola is know to include posts as well as beams and latticework and they`re simple, easy to realize at home through DIY projects. A simple, regular pergola measures 10 by 10 by 8 and on this structure one could often find latticework covering the sides, in some cases latticework is found on the top of the pergola as well, encouraging vines to climb towards the roof. The pergola can be ensembled through multiple means through multiple materials thus making it extremely versatile, fit to receive tons of finishes to match any decor, any landscape.

Columned Pergolas

The mixture between materials is always highly appreciated, especially when properly balanced and wood as a natural material has always been ready to be sustained and enhanced by stone, a combination that remains timeless, monumental and architectural through its simple presence.

Pergolas too can put this instance to good use, its very roots were born from stone and wood and the Corinthian or Roman ensembles are oftenly pursued as a result, whether in PVC, Steel, Stone and wood, columned pergolas represent eclectic scenarions in which stability and resillience are summoned in the landscape, in which the traditional enroots.

Japanese Pergola

The Japanese garden is known to nestle calm, peace, refuge, thus the structure contained is subdued to this unwritten rule of balance and serenity making everything sublime. From mini ponds to bridges the garden is equilibrium at its best and in this setting cedar and redwwod are used to serve as an astonishing focal point. The transitional role of the pergola has often been considered forgotten into the Japanese garden between wisterias and rose flowers.

The Pergola designs of contemporaneity

Due to the great array of materials accessible today pergolas and outdoor structures are being reinvented through numerous means using recycled plastics, vinyl, reducing the maintanence costs down to zero. The new materials are designed and envisioned not to decay nor to need anything in time, offering you the chance to simply enjoy them, saving costs, saving time. Needless to say that moden reinterpretations can be quite graphic as well, one could sculpt them in any shape or size with ease.

Modern Metal Pergola Ensembles

The metal pergola is highly appreciated by enthusiasts for its extraordinary feats of strength as it can carry great weight and wide openings with a slim structure for years and years. Metal too can be shaped into absolutely any form and custom setups welcome this versatility with open arms. Whether you are looking for an angular or a curved garden structure with metal you cannot go wrong yet please take note that rebar is not to be used as it will rust in time; coated metals are a great choice, oftenly embraced.

Outdoor structures are an element that simply complements the natural landscape in all its beauty, it is there to balance the connection between the human and greenery, ready to mend, ready to invite both parties to work together. Vines are welcome and encouraged to climb in the vertical plane and the individual is invited to take refuge between these sculptural elements of organicity.

Where do you stand on greenery and what outdoor structures do you use often? Your opinion is highly relevant and we would love to hear from you in the comment section below.

Trellise, Latticework, Vines and Pergola in Landscaping and Design – words Alan Woods


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