Leftovers for Africa film – New Comedy Angle from Christian Aid

All those food leftovers you currently shovel into the bin can now be put to good use.

This is the message from entrepreneur Dan Stirling. Why not put your food waste into an envelope and send it to Africa to do your bit to stop world hunger?

This is the concept behind a new video campaign Leftovers for Africa by the Christian Aid collective. It’s quite wry and tongue in cheek but the message behind it is a serious one. We waste tons of food a year whilst most of the world goes hungry. Obviously in reality it doesn’t make much sense to send your old slops to Africa but the charity goes on to tell viewers of an easier way they can help.

It’s a more humorous approach and less dry and preachy than the usual charity campaign and is quite refreshing to see. It will be interesting to see how effective this more imaginative approach is on the ground.


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