Skincare steps to incorporate into your life

words Alexa Wang

Looking after your skin is very much a balancing act. We have to clean off the build-up of unwanted dirt and grime but we have to be careful not to strip the natural oils contained in the skin. These natural oils can actually help our skin and so going too harsh and too often with powerful cleaning agents can actually harm our skin.

The other important factor to think about is your skin type. If you have sensitive skin you have to approach your routine in a different way to someone who has skin that is oily. It might be worth considering seeing a skincare expert who will look at your needs as an individual before you start trying new formulae and cleaning agents on your skin.


Obvious maybe, but we have to wash our faces regularly to remove the layers of dirt, grease and grime we pick up through the day. Washing your face twice a day is right for most people. It’s best to avoid strong soaps as they can strip away the naturally occurring oils in your skin which help keep it healthy. If your skin is sensitive or prone to acne or psoriasis it might be worth getting specially formulated gentle soaps such as oat based soaps that minimise the damage that over washing can do to the face.

Drink Water

We need to be hydrated in order for our skin to stay healthy. It’s pointless spending lots of money on hydrating emulsions for our skin if you are not drinking enough water. For our skin to look plump and healthy we need to be fully hydrated.


So, is exfoliating actually good for you? Well it can be. As we get older, skin shedding slows down which means we can get dry, flaky and itchy skin. Exfoliation takes away the older layers leaving newer healthier skin which looks better and works better. Use natural scrubs though and not the discredited ones containing plastic microbeads that end up in our water system. If you have sensitive skin or other conditions, research or seek advice before you use exfoliators on your skin.


Mask can be another great way to wake up tired looking skin and remove impurities and excess oils. They can help us clear our pores and enable new skin to be healthier and shine through. Again, it is important to think about your own skin type. Using anything too strong and astringent can do more harm than good. Look carefully at the ingredients and think about your own skin to be sure the mask you choose suits you. Use a brand such as Que Bella who have a range of masks designed to suit different skin types.


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