Love Saves The Day 2018 – Feel the love

Love Saves The Day 2018 – Feel the love – words Colette Joanne Earley

Seven years down the line, you’d think that Love Saves The Day, Bristol’s yearly music festival, might be losing its touch – well, it’s safe to say this definitely isn’t the case. This year’s event, which took place from 26th-27th May, went off.

Despite the dodgy weather forecast, which predicted everything from a heatwave to thunder storms (meaning outfit-planning turned into a nightmare), thousands flocked to Eastville Park ready to soak up everything the weekend had to offer.

From the get-go, there really was an energy in the air that you could only describe as ‘people ready to get absolutely on it to some incredible music’ – and so they did, from the moment the gates opened on the Saturday to the time the last act played on Sunday. Here, we give you a run-down of the best parts of Love Saves The Day 2018.


Crack magazine hosted the Saturday Paradiso stage

And what a stage it was – it’s safe to say the atmosphere tucked under this tent was buzzing with anticipation for a roster full of up-and-coming artists. The stage welcomed the likes of Octavian, Hardy Caprio and Avelino, not to forget a particularly good set of grime and experimental from new producer on the block L U C Y.

Outfits were more outrageous than ever

Sporting a flamboyant get-up to a festival is a bit of a prerequisite, but this year was another level – we were almost blinded by the amount of glitter and sequins on show. Some of our favourite looks included: nothing but shorts and some kind of glitter nipple covers (both guys and girls sported this look); a peach-coloured Lycra catsuit that basically looked like skin (we can only imagine the amount of double-takes they got for this); and rainbow-coloured dreadlocks (not sure if this counts as an outfit, but we loved them anyway!)

The return of Fatboy Slim

It was evident that this was the main attraction for many of the festivalgoers on the Saturday. Norman Cook came through and proved to us all that he’s still very much kicking ass – he let loose with a set of old-school dance, with a few of his own tunes (much to the excitement of the crowd) mixed in for good measure. Safe to say, everyone went wild for it.

The weather totally came through

As we touched on earlier, every single kind of weather was predicted for the weekend of Love Saves The Day, and in the lead-up, the forecast was changing more than Theresa May’s policies. Having packed everything from sun cream to raincoats, everyone was bracing themselves for whatever Mother Nature was to bring… except the weather pleasantly surprised us all! Especially onn the Sunday – a torrential downpour was predicted all day long, but after a quick thunderstorm in the morning (when we expect a lot of people were still hidden under their duvets nursing hangovers from the day before) the weather was hot and sunny, adding to the list of why the weekend turned out so bloody brilliant.

The secret ball pit

Those that entered the games’ area on Sunday would have stumbled upon some suspicious-looking ‘laundry ladies’, offering you a game of bingo. Those that were enticed (and not totally weirded-out) will have got the chance to enter into a secret room, hidden behind fake washing machines. Blindfolded before entry, a mishmash of colours awaited in a hidden room with a ball pit! We danced to a killer set of R&B from local DJs, Sprung, while sequin-clad festival-goers dived into the pit – albeit so enthusiastically, at times we were quite concerned for their safety…

Everyone went wild for Shy FX

And by wild, we mean literally mental. At one point, we got completely lost in a sea of people cracking out their best gun fingers to Original Nuttah. What else was there to do but join in? (But seriously though, we couldn’t actually get out of the crowd for fear of getting trampled by a drum-and-bass fan having the time of their lives).

Sampha’s closing set

A lot of people were moaning beforehand that the chilled-out vibes from Sampha would put a bit of a downer on a high-energy weekend – but, when it came down to it, everyone seemed to forget that they ever thought that and quickly assembled, ready to enthusiastically sing along to (No one knows me) Like the piano, high on vibes from the weekend (or something to that effect).

The atmosphere was truly overwhelming

Bristol’s known for its diverse culture when it comes to music and events, along with a strong community spirit, and this really shone through all weekend at Love Save The Day. You merely had to look around and someone would be beaming at you, a kind of mutual understanding that we were all there with the same agenda – to have a good time and enjoy some seriously good music.

Love Saves The Day 2018 Bristol – Feel the love – words Colette Joanne Earley


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