Does it really pay to make a video to promote your business?

Does it really pay to make a video to promote your business? – words Abi Weeks

There is no getting away from the fact that no matter what line of business you are in, the competition out there is fierce. As time goes on and the internet takes a greater hold of our lives, the competition is set to get even stiffer yet.

So does it really pay to make a video to promote your business? If you are looking to increase your market share and build your bottom line, you can’t avoid marketing and if you really want business to explode, video marketing is where it’s at. Here’s why.

make a video

Seeing Is Believing – The Credibility Factor

If there is one thing that is common among millennials, who happen to be the up-and-coming largest generation with buying power ever, it is that they like to connect with the brands they are buying from. There is no better way to connect with someone than to see a video of that person in action. Whether it is a talking vid, a presentation of the production process or simply an introduction to key members of the staff and the role they play in the company, a video sells products better than any other type of marketing.

However, there is a deep-seated reason why today’s consumer likes to see the brands they are buying from and that is the trust factor. millennials need to trust the products and brands they deal with and video adds an air of credibility. Seeing is believing, in a very real sense. If they can see the people behind the brands they deal with, it makes that brand more credible. If you want to sell anything whatsoever to a millennial, let them see your face! It could be just as simple as that.

Video Captures the Emotions Making It More Persuasive

There is no secret to the fact that most people buy on emotional impulse. They see something, they want it. Look at all the most effective advertising over the years and you will see that emotions play a huge part in the strategy. Professional video studios know how to capture the moment, playing on the emotions of the viewer so as to draw them in.

Another way of looking at it would be from a visual perspective. Why do you think so many people cry at the movies? Directors and videographers know how to capture the emotion being played out, bringing it live to the person in the seat watching the film. That’s what a good video production studio can do for your brand – capture the emotion, making it real to the viewer. They ‘feel’ your brand and want what you have.

Quite Simply – Google Loves Video!

One of the things about the search engines is that they love what searchers love. If you want to make your page rank highly with Google, then the simple formula is to make your page attractive to users. It’s really just that simple. For example, last year Google updated their algorithms so that sites that weren’t mobile friendly (responsive) wouldn’t be listed in mobile searches. Since most people are now searching from mobile devices, that is a pretty stiff penalty indeed.

As for video, Forrester Research found that sites with video had a 53% higher probability of being ranked on page one of Google than sites lacking video content. Also, sites with video had a much lower bounce rate with more than double the time spent on pages with video than pages without. Video content attracts three times as many inbound links and almost 300% new visits each month from the search engines. That’s why Google loves video – because users love video. Want to increase your traffic and rank higher with Google? Add high quality video to your site!

Boost Traffic Immensely with the Power of YouTube

Finally, there is something about YouTube that very few people actually recognize. Most people think of YouTube as a video channel, a video site, but in reality YouTube is the second-most popular search engine in the world behind Google by a little, tiny bit. If you want people to find your homepage, produce a high quality video, optimize it for SEO and watch how many hits you get each month clicking over from YouTube. It’s amazing to see the amount of traffic you can generate with a short video presentation on YouTube – simply amazing.

So then, if you had any doubts before on why it pays to explore the benefits of video marketing, these few reasons alone should convince you that you cannot leave this amazing resource untapped. Hire a professional video marketing studio to help you conceptualize your strategy and you will almost immediately begin to reap the benefits. With increased traffic and greater trust, you can expect your market share to increase by leaps and bounds. If seeing is believing, you’ll be a believer when you see those numbers start to climb. That’s a promise you can take to the bank.

If even after all those reasons I’ve given, you’re still not 100% convinced how great of an asset a video would be to your business, just check out this amazing infographic put together by J Knowles. They’ve listed more main pointers as to why you should be using a video for your business marketing, provided tips on how to produce a masterful piece of media, and even done the research and crunched the numbers to give you an idea of what to expect from your new weapon of choice when it comes to marketing your company.

Does it really pay to make a video to promote your business? – words Abi Weeks


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