It’s Minivan Prix time – Forget Formula 1

Forget Formula 1 – It’s time for the Minivan Prix – words Alan Woods

When we are asked to think of our perfect car it is often a sleek looking low-to-the-floor supercar or even a chunky, slick off-roader. Not many of us offer up the humble van.

In actual fact though many people are turning to vans, the popularity with companies and families has never been higher so maybe it is time to look at some of the most desirable vans out there in terms of performance, functionality and looks.

Van Monster has produced an infographic called the Minivan Prix that ranks some of the most popular, speediest and great looking vans on the market right now. For example, did you know that the 2011 Toyota Sienna SE was the only minivan to offer all-wheel-drive when it was released? For most of us, probably not. I think you’ll ne surprised at the level of sophistication, technical innovation and attractive lines of these latest minivan offerings.

Now you can really see just how fast, powerful and feature packed each model is. How many seconds to get from 0-60 mph for instance. What brake horsepower is the engine? The infographic below not only presents the full line-up and fast facts, but offers advice on how you can modify your own van to increase its acceleration via features like the brake system, engine control units, the exhaust system, air intake filter, spark plugs and season-appropriate tyres.

There were many makes and models to choose from and so the winners were hard to pin down. These include models from Toyota, Honda, Kia, Ford, Mercedes, Dodge and VW. This is a real minivan comparison and will help you choose whether to go for a new model or a used minivan such as the best minivan 2016. Now we can match them up against each other just as you might with hot hatches of mini SUVs. It’s time for the van to take a bow and take centre stage for once in the Minivan Prix.

Forget Formula 1 – It’s time for the Minivan Prix – words Alan Woods

minivan prixInfographic Creator – Van Monster


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