Modernising your bathroom

Modernising your bathroom – words Alexa Wang

A bathroom makeover can be the most satisfying improvement you can make to your home. I’m writing from personal experience. When we moved into an old stone cottage in the Pennine hills it was in a sorry state. The roof was caving in and the walls had been painted with pink masonry paint that was destroying the stone.

The inside was not much better. It was a bit like walking into a 1970s Coronation Street set. Old fashioned swirly carpets, artex on the ceilings and a gas fire complete with plastic wood effect glowing logs. It was when we walked into the bathroom though that our teeth were really set on edge.

The bathroom suite was avocado and the carpet a matching green. The magnolia paint was peeling off the walls. Also, the floorboards were so bendy the whole floor had to eventually be replaced. It turned out the floor had been on the verge of collapse for years!

We had to spend all our money on the fabric of the house and so had to put up with that horrid bathroom for years. Finally, we got a chance (and some spare cash) to modernise the bathroom and it was quite an emotional experience. We had everything done – new suite, a jacuzzi bath, new tiles, new flooring, built in shelves. It was like a heavy weight had been lifted off our shoulders. We even hung some oak doors and had some bespoke radiators designed. We went from having the most depressing bathroom around to having a haven you really want to luxuriate in.

You use the bathroom a lot as do the rest of the family and guests. So why not have some luxuries in your little sanctuary away from the world? Eventually we want to install a shower / steam cabinet. Our very own (okay small) steam room. Some people like to bring back a little bit of their holiday into their bathroom and install a jacuzzi.

Some go even further with their Bathroom Luxuries. How about a bathroom TV to enjoy your favourite show while you’re bathing those daily stresses away? You could be catching up with your latest Netflix boxset whilst relaxing. It’s also nice to feel warmth underfoot and so installing underfloor heating can feel like a luxury – no more stepping from the shower onto stone cold floor tiles. Whether large or small we can all turn our bathrooms into our own luxury refuge. It can become your very own mini-spa to retreat to and recharge your batteries.  


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