4 Things People Never Tell You About Middle Age

words Al Woods

So, you’ve hit 40 like Thelma and Louise driving off that cliff, but what do your forties, fifties and sixties have in store for you? Of course, your teenage or young adult kids think you are already over the hill once you have passed the forty barriers, but no-one tells you the really great things this stage of life can bring you.

Middle Age

Things Get Eas-ier Financially

By the time we get to our forties, things should be easing up financially. Many of you will be preparing for your teenage kids to leave home for college, thus reducing your bills significantly. However, there is a final investment you should consider making in your kids’ lives. If you can help cover the cost of their college education, this would go a long way to securing their future. Of course, you might not have a huge amount of savings tucked away, but you could consider a low-rate private parent loan to help them out. You will probably find that, with reduced outgoings, you are in a position to help your kids without noticeably impacting your lifestyle.

You Don’t Care What People Think of You

Many people describe their twenties as being a difficult decade to navigate. First college, then the initial faltering steps into a career, maybe meeting a life partner and maybe starting a family. All these changes in such a short space of time are like a rollercoaster ride when you haven’t even really found yourself. Middle age can bring a sense of calmness and peace. Maybe it’s because you have survived the rigors of family life and you can just about see light at the end of the tunnel, or maybe you realize there are more important things to fill your head with than other people’s opinions. You know your own value, and no-one can take that away.

You Have More “Me” Time

If you have been a working mom or dad, you will understand how precious and rare “me” time is. The good news is that by the time you are in middle age, your children should be fairly independent, freeing up hours every week to pursue your own goals. That painting class you have always wanted to take? Do it! Those home renovations you have been putting off? Now’s the time! Many people blossom in middle age, taking up hobbies that are rewarding and enjoyable, and contributing to their overall quality of life.

You Embrace Change

Hitting middle age can be a rebirth of sorts. Your main role as a caregiver to children might be over, as they fly the nest to start their own journey in life. Many people in their forties or fifties decide to take a new direction – one which is more closely aligned with their values and aspirations. What this new-found freedom gives you is options. Maybe it’s time to retrain as a life coach or a yoga teacher? Maybe it’s time to start your own business or side hustle? Whatever your dreams are, there’s no better time than middle age to embrace your ambitions and set about making them come true.


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