It is hard to describe this series ‘POEMS & SNIPPETS’ by Reinhard Schleining in any conventional sense. They could be poems with accompanying illustrations. You could also say they were thought pieces in both word and image. Personally I find the words intriguing and the images raw and thought provoking which is enough for me. Of course you can make your own mind up…

According to Reinhard himself:
“this particular piece of work came about while putting together promotional stickers for my books. although those stickers have meanwhile been doing a good job unlocking people’s awareness about the real extent of deception executed by the so-called ‘media’, there still seemed to be a big gap between levels that makes my work beyond comprehension for most. the series of 12 poems tries to tackle this problem. interspersed with the visual snippets as a reading aid and tonal backdrop, they can be decoded on each individual’s own terms, according to their level of knowledge and their desire to ‘see’.”
Short Fiction by Reinhard Schleining