8 Top Pros Of Enrolling For A Special FX Makeup Certification

words Al Woods

One needs a certification to pursue a career in the Special FX field. Do you have a passion for makeup? Then you need to enroll in a certification course for personal and professional growth. There are several colleges that offer special effects and prosthetics courses that you can choose from.

Keep in mind that anything with the potential of giving you a leg-up in the job market shouldn’t be overlooked.

Special FX Makeup

Pros of getting special FX certification

There are so many upsides to getting professional training in the special FX field. If you’re looking to master your craft, here are some of the benefits that you’ll reap:

1.      Clients trust you more when they know you have received specialized education

In this competitive and fast-faced beauty industry, you need to find a way to stand out from everyone else. When you get the certification, customers will trust you more. Completing professional training shows that you don’t just take special FX as a hobby.

Additionally, it also becomes easier to get hired as a newcomer. The certification is guaranteed to impress any employer who looks at your resume.

2.      Networking becomes easier

The special FX industry is growing at a really fast pace as more and more people enter the field every day. Talented special FX makeup artists are becoming celebrities in their own right. Social media has helped a lot with that.

During your training period, you’re bound to meet and connect with such people. The connections can be on different platforms and forums. Such networks are godsend. Who knows who you meet and what they’ll help you with in the future?

Makeup artist

3.      It becomes easier to achieve recognition

When you become a certified special FX makeup artist, you get so many opportunities to work on different projects that make it to TV. This guarantees that you’ll get credits for these productions. Regardless of how big or small these productions are, they’ll go a long way in getting your name out there.

The possibilities for getting your name out there are endless when you get certified. The projects you work on will work wonders for your exposure.

4.      You’ll have a budding portfolio even before you land your first gig

Since you do lots of practicing before you even graduate, you will have so much to add to your portfolio. This adds so much credibility to your resume.

The experience is another plus. Add that to having a professional with years of experience by your side throughout your training. If this isn’t reason enough to convince you to get a certification, we still have more reasons for you : -)

5.      You get a whole month to showcase your skills – October

October is the spookiest month of the year. This time is very exciting for special FX makeup artists because they can showcase their skills. Imagine having a whole 31 days to create different looks. This will show everyone what you’re capable of – so expect to have many praises coming your way!

Halloween also gives you a chance to pick up a few tips from other special FX makeup artists.

6.      Proficiency with makeup tools

Special FX makeup certification courses not only provide you with the concepts but also equip you with a proper understanding of the different tools of the trade. You can’t just get proficiency if you decide to self-learn.

Professional special FX makeup artists work with so many tools that vary depending on the task at hand. You need to learn how to use these tools correctly and effectively.

What will you learn in a makeup course for special effects? In a special FX makeup certification course, you’ll learn about the right sets of special effects makeup to boost your career. One thing you don’t want to happen is to use a makeup product that can ruin your entire creation and even your reputation as an artist. Hence, you should learn to use special effects makeup supplies and materials of top-notch quality to bring TV shows and movie characters to life.  

Here are some of the special effects makeup tools you’ll learn about in a special FX makeup course: 

  • Applicators: A special effects makeup artist will learn to use applicators, such as powder puffs, brushes, swabs, and sponges. You’ll learn about the different types of sponges. For instance, a coarser sponge creates unique skin textures.  
  • Liquid Latex: This special effect makeup creates realistic-looking wounds, cuts, lacerations, and burns. 
  • Castor Seal: This tool is helpful if you use liquid latex. You can use it on top of liquid latex, allowing makeup to be applied easily, preventing discoloration. 
  • Three-Dimensional or 3D Modeling Compound: It’s used to achieve sculpting 3D skin effects. 
  • Water-soluble Glue And Remover: You can use this adhesive to stick things to the face, such as bald caps, fake noses, and hair. Spirit gum is a great alternative too. 

7.      Increased creativity

Practical courses boost your creativity and special FX makeup challenges your creativity at all levels. You understand more about theoretical art knowledge and the artistic terms widely used in makeup at a deeper level.

As an artist, you have access to a wide range of color palettes. Playing with these colors helps you attain a complementary effect.

8.      Boosts your confidence

You feel more confident about makeup application after graduating from a special FX makeup course. The confidence will help you get a job in high-end establishments because you gain insight into how to correctly apply different types of makeup.

When you receive appropriate professional training, you do things according to industry standards.


Getting a certification is no walk in the park and can cost you quite some coins. However, it’s all worth it when it comes to improving your skills and building your special FX career. All the benefits of getting your special FX makeup certification will make this course one of the biggest investments in your career path. It doesn’t matter if you’re an aspiring makeup artist, a beginner, intermediate level, or a pro. Make sure that you find an accredited college that offers structured training programs. These acquired qualifications help you polish your skills to the next level with the extra confidence you need in your career.


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