Transformitiva – Smells Like Teen Spirit (Remix)

We love a sense of mystery and intrigue here at Flux and Transformativa delivers (or refuses to deliver) that in spades. All we know about Transformitva is in that fact he is just one man, born in Brazil, now lives in London and that this is his first public release. None of the usual hype and name dropping on their press release and just one slightly blurred image where you can’t make out the person involved plus the following quote.

“All that is solid melts into air”
Karl Marx, Communist Manifesto

This is a fresh but risky approach to modern promotion that we heartily approve of. He and his label are taking a gamble of course on their opening gambit, their barnstorming remix, nay re-imagining of the classic track Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana. They think that this will do all their talking for them and we agree. This outrageous blast of energy and noise destroys then resurrects the much loved track in such a way that in our minds it fully respects and pays homage to the anger and passion that helped craft the original. Listen for yourself though below and make up your own mind. A travesty or a triumph? Let us know what you think.


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