Easy-to-play violin songs for beginners

words Al Woods

violin songs for beginners

Learning to play the violin is a great way to enter the music world. Starting out your journey to become a significant violinist can be challenging. Many learners who are just beginning their violin education are too eager to play complicated pieces that are often too challenging for them.

When you are only a beginner, it might be worth it to try and play easier songs on your violin as a way of improving your skills and advancing bit by bit. Luckily, there are a number of easy-to-play songs out there for beginners to choose from when they are looking to tune in their learning process swiftly. 

Ode To Joy

Many players of the violin are keen on learning to play this specific instrument for their passion for classical music. If that is the case for you, then Ode to Joy might be the perfect song for you to learn to play when you are only just starting out your learning process. This theme song is a great entry point to the world of classical music that can be challenging at first. It has all the elements of classical music, yet it is very simple to learn when you are a beginner. 

Amazing Grace

easy violin music

This is one of the most popular songs in the world of religious music. Amazing Grace is an easy tune to learn to play on your violin in no time. Its easiness probably comes from the song being popular; not only religiously in the Christian culture, but also for being played in different movies and TV series, so it is quite catchy and easy to follow. When you are looking to learn easy violin songs, this song might be a great place to start, and it will likely be recommended by your private teacher. You can try listening to the song a few times at first, and then give playing it on your violin a shot. You can then look at the right notes and see how much you’ve managed to get right, simply by listening to the song and playing by ear. 

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

This childhood song is one that many people grew up listening to and reciting in their homes or schools. It is one of the easiest pieces to try and play on your violin as a beginner. The notes to Twinkle Twinkle are fairly simple and straightforward, away from any challenges, so it’s a great way to train your hands and learn the string skills slowly. 

When you are beginning to learn the violin, it is important to challenge yourself and try to develop your skills as much as possible. However, it is equally important to start learning the right way and to develop bit by bit. This can be done when you start out by learning easy songs then moving forward with more challenging pieces as you improve. The key to learning music is to listen to the music very well. So, try to listen to the songs you want to play over and over until you feel like you know the tune by heart then read the actual notes to play on your violin. Don’t be afraid to experiment with your violin once you feel like you are improving. Just remember to take the learning process step by step. 


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