4 simple ways to create the best stag do

4 simple ways to create the best stag do – words Alan Woods

Every best man wants the best stag do they can possibly  organise, but it’s difficult to organise a group of guys no matter how great your ideas are.

You will need to take into account everyone’s budget, places they have already been and likes and dislikes before you start to plan the stag do. Then you just need to find something that’s within budget that isn’t on the dislikes list – simple, right?

Unfortunately, it’s a whole lot more complicated than this and with the added pressure of wanting everyone to have a great time, experience something new and give you loads of credit at the end. To help you out, here are four simple ideas to give your stag event little bit of extra je ne sais quoi.

Get personal

It might be a cliché, but an airport full of matching stag do t-shirts is always a hilarious sight, plus you have the added benefit of being able to find your group should you get split up on a night out. If you aren’t sure what to put on the t-shirts, a simple ‘Dave’s Stag’ should suffice. Alternatively you could all have the stag’s face printed on your t-shirt, Stag Wars, ‘Boys on Tour’ or something equally embarrassing that’s going to make your group stand out from the crowd wherever you choose to go.

Be unique

When it comes to organising activities for while you’re on the stag do, try to find something that no one in the group has ever done before but first and foremost something that the stag will love doing. The best stag do ideas need to be different. If the stag supports a local football or rugby team, you could book tickets to a big game and try and get them in the mascots stag do costumes for match day. If you visit the football or rugby teams website, there are usually options for match day support but you will have to plan in advance as lots of people want to show their support. Other ideas can be anything as simple as paintballing in the UK to attending Oktoberfest in a full lederhosen in Germany.

Go classy

The typical stag do usually consists of a lot of peer pressure to do things they might not want to and a shed load of alcohol, leaving people with not much of a memory and a week long headache. Well, if your mates are beginning to get over the big night out era of their lives, why not class the stag do up a bit? An adventure in a new country doesn’t have to be expensive but you could see things you’ve never experienced in your life and have an adventure you remember rather than just the interior of a strip club. For more ideas on the classier stag do, you can find some inspiration online.

Embrace your feminine side

If you’re a group who are leaving the stag do till just before the wedding, you could be gentlemen who spa for a weekend. Whether you opt for massages, facials, a wet shave or a manicure it will feel you leaving in tiptop condition for the wedding. Most spas are close to luxury hotels that have golf courses, great food, and plenty of other activities to get involved in, not to mention a bar.

4 simple ways to create the best stag do – words Alan Woods


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