Composer Polar Bear – The extraordinary video

We get to see so many boring videos and hear so many dull as dishwater tracks, I hate to say, here at Flux. So when we get to see a video by Studio Fünf based around the story of a guy dressed up as a Polar Bear trying to escape from a boring costume party then we danced a merry jig around the office. The music that accompanies the visuals is the best kind of undergound music, Polar Bear by duo Composer is a skull pummelling electronic buzz-drill of a tune with vocals that seem to ricochet across the precise and minimal melody lines. This is a track from the album The Edges of the World by Composer, the story of a cosmic appealing underground party in an abandoned factory revived by cosmic lights. We like it. Hope you do too.

Composer Polar Bear is the best kind of underground music and is out now on InFiné


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