Don’t Forget These 6 Things When Setting Up an Art Exhibition

words Alexa Wang

Are you an art enthusiast? Perhaps you’re a painter or sculptor yourself, and you’re eager to get your work out into the world. In each case, setting up an art exhibition is an excellent idea, as it puts you in touch with other art lovers and creators in your local area while also allowing you to sell some art pieces. Of course – this is all easier said than done. A lot of organized work needs to go into setting up an art exhibition! Whatever you do, don’t forget the following six things.

Setting Up Art Exhibition

1: Getting the Word Out There

Don’t just expect people to show up. Instead, put effort into marketing the art exhibition, ensuring everyone who has even a slight interest in art and paintings knows about the event. That way, more people will stream through the door and appreciate the art on display.

2: Crowd Control

A lot of people showing up to the exhibition can be too much of a good thing. If you’ve done a really good job of marketing and you have a lot of interest, then you might have an issue involving foot traffic. You don’t want the exhibition to be ruined by a room packed too tightly with attendees! To avoid this issue, has a range of crowd control measures, including traffic barriers, crowd control barriers, and more. With these installed, you won’t have to worry about an overflow of people or cars in a single space.

3: A Theme

A theme can really make your art exhibition stand out from the crowd, so don’t forget to have one! It can be as simple as ‘local art’ or as particular as ‘art that focuses on the animalistic instincts.’ It’s up to you!

4: Protection of the Art

The last thing you want is for a piece of artwork to become damaged during the event, so make sure it won’t happen by putting art protection in place. A simple piece of glass in front of a painting can make all the difference.

5: Getting in Touch with Local Artists

If you’re putting on an art exhibition, don’t forget to get the local community involved – especially local artists! It will add more vibrance to the event. Plus, you can offer to place the best local artist’s work on display. You might even find that some local artists are more than happy to give their time to volunteering.

6: Speak to Attendees

You might be overwhelmed with organizing the event and making sure everything goes smoothly, but don’t let that stop you from speaking to people who have come to appreciate the artwork on display. After all, the event is an opportunity to talk to like-minded individuals just as much as it’s about selling art! You might even make connections to make your next art exhibition even more of a hit.

An art exhibition should be an event that brings together artists and art appreciators, allowing connections to be made and art to be both admired and sold. By remembering the above six things, that is more likely to happen at your planned exhibition.


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