words Alexa Wang
We all know how hard looking for a house can be. And we all know that amazing feeling when we finally find the right house that suits both our needs and our budget. There is no better feeling in the world. However, have you ever thought what house hunting looks like when celebrities are the ones hunting? Well, let us tell you – it looks completely different than what we are used to. So, if you want to know how celebrities house hunt and what makes them different, keep on reading.
They Buy at Younger Age
Believe it or not, but some of the most expensive properties in the world are owned by teenagers or young adults. That became a completely normal thing in the celebrity world. Owning a house is just easier. But who can blame them? After all, if you have a lot of cash, buying a house is the best investment. Also, most of the time, young celebrities do not even live in the homes they bought but keep going on luxury holidays instead. They just buy them for the sake of buying and having an occasional weekend party there. For example, Taylor Swift bought her first home at the age of 19. And Justing Bieber and Kendal Jenner, both young celebrities now own several, multi-million properties.

Nowadays, you will see celebrity teenagers owning a multi-million dollar house. Alt.tag: A luxury home.
They Are Simply Willing to Spend More
It goes without saying that celebrities simply have more money and that they are not afraid of spending it. And is there a better way to spend your money than buying a property? Of course, when you have more money, you automatically have fewer limitations because of your budget. So, yes, celebrities will always spend much more on a property than a regular buyer. For example, in the US, the median home value is around $186,100, but according to recent research, celebrities tend to spend between $3.5 million and $20 million. The same goes for renting. For example, an average family would not spend more than $1.500 on monthly rent. But Beyonce and her husband Jay Z spend approximately $150,000 per month to rent a mansion.
They Buy House Off-Market
Usually, when regular people want to buy a home, whether a house or an apartment, they have to talk to a real estate agent or look for homes on some real estate sites. Then, they will do a lot of researching, tour different houses, and finally, offer the price and find some help from experienced movers in Miami, FL to help them relocate. However, for celebrities, this process looks entirely different. In today’s world, it is almost impossible to see a celebrity looking for a home that is listed on some real estate sites. Everything they do is done off-market. You will see them buying properties that are not even listed. Of course, there is a pleasure in doing things like that, of course, if you can afford it. By buying properties off-market, they get two things: much-needed privacy and having something nobody else has. These are the so-called ‘Pocket Listings’, and they can only be seen by the extremely rich and extremely famous.

Most of the mansions and villas for sale are not listed. Alt.tag: A luxury villa.
They Have a Team
Do you remember the last time you were buying a house? You were doing everything by yourself or with your partner, right? That was a long and exhausting process that lasted for months. And, again, you had to do everything by yourself. Well, that is not the case with celebrities. They have their own real estate agent who specializes in dealing with extremely rich. Then, there is an agent who will check the home first and make sure that everything is as the celebrity wanted. Sometimes, an entire team of realtors, managers, assistants, entrepreneurs and not to mention, family and friends, come to view the house. The more the merrier. And when they do choose a house, they have entire other teams of movers like Best Cross Country Movers, as well as decorators and designers. And, it is most likely that all these people will not even meet the celebrity at all. Their managers are there to do everything for them.
They Have Crazier Requests
Imagine making a must-have list when buying a property. Regular people would probably write something like three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a yard, being close to school and so on. If you get a small garden and an extra room for the budget you already set, you will probably be happier than ever. But again, we are dealing with different kind of people now. For them, buying a property is a message they are sending to other people. They are in a way, showing how powerful they are. So, you will not see them wanting a three-bedroom apartment in the city center. Their lists are far crazier. For example, almost all celebrities want to buy mansions and luxury villas that have more than ten rooms, ten bathrooms, golf and tennis courses, infinity pools, garages for five of their luxury cars, cinemas and wine cellars in the basement and so on. For example, Kim Kardashian has four gold toilets and Jeniffer Lopes has a private beach.

Owning four or five cars is a must when you are a celebrity. This is why they need huge garages. Alt.tag: A Lamborghini.
They Do Not Get Emotionally Attached
When people buy homes, they are expecting that they will be there for good. Actually, an average American lives in one home from nine to fourteen years. There are exceptions, of course. But, celebrities do not always buy homes so that they can live in them. Some buy them as an investment, some buy them to show power, and some buy them because they felt like it at that particular moment. But, it goes without saying that celebrities buy and sell properties more frequently and never get emotionally attached because living the life of luxury means moving around a lot. For instance, Taylor Swift bought a home just to be closer to her boyfriend, and she sold it four months later when they broke up.