Top things new CS GO players like to do

Top things new CS GO players like to do – words Alan Woods

In a game played by so many people, it’s pretty hard to assess what the likes and dislikes of the community are. However, there are certain known truths about the game that are obvious to point out.

So just how you can say that the csgo cache map is one of the community’s favorites, you can also say about the following things that new players like to do them a lot.

Let’s take a look and see just what new CS GO players like to do in their play sessions. They are things that might upset some teammates or make others smile because they know they’re looking at another soldier starting their journey. Here they are, the top things beginners like to do:


Reload as often as possible

This is something a lot of players like to do because they think that it gives them a tactical advantage. In reality, it doesn’t really do a whole lot in Counter Strike Global Offensive. It’s pretty similar in that sense to the constant switching of the rifle and melee weapon. They love to do CS GO download. You will see random people do this all the time, even in YouTube videos (videos from people that are obviously not pros) and it will make other beginners think that this offers you some kind of strategic advantage. In reality, it doesn’t do anything. But new players like it a lot.

Get personal in voice chat

People that are not only new to the CS GO game but also new to multiplayer shooters in general will have a rough catching on to the fact that they won’t establish any long lasting friendships on CS GO’s voice chat. Most of the time there will be someone’s music playing in the background and the actual talking will be mostly comprised of small phrases that experienced players will understand and the occasional rant towards a teammate mistake. However new players come with an innocent spirit and like to engage in meaningful conversation. But trust us, the CS GO voice chat is not the best place to ask people about their goals in life.

Throw grenades

Oh, newcomers absolutely love this one. Obviously, being new, they don’t have the best aim on the map. They will easily become frustrated with CS GO gameplay by the fact that it’s hard for them to hit anything. And then they discover that they can also use grenades. In case you haven’t noticed, grenades are a lot easier to launch than winning bullets. So people new to the game will absolutely love taking out their frag grenades and throwing them at the first sight of an enemy. It’s the perfect answer for any question. For all questions. And when they’re out of frags? They buy more or they just throw flashbangs. It will make them think they played an important tactical role and feel better about themselves.

Top things new CS GO players like to do – words Alan Woods


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