How to Start Practicing Yoga the Right Way

words Alexa Wang

Practicing Yoga

Now, during pandemics, it is so difficult to find a place to practice yoga. A lot of places are currently locked up, however, even if you can find one that isn’t it is highly likely you’ll be spending a lot of time-fighting traffic to come to class on time.

Besides that, you’ll also have to make sure to never forget your yoga gear, do your best to find a space for your mat, etc. All these things can make you feel a bit anxious and overwhelming. That’s why you should consider doing yoga at home.

It’s much more convenient, plus you’re the one who is going to determine the hours you’re willing to exercise. And not just that. By doing yoga at home you will save much more time, money, and energy. 

So if you’re new to this, it’s completely understandable if you’re not sure how to begin. Many yoga teachers think that you should go to the real class to learn the basics, however, if you find the right guidelines, you’ll do just fine. There are so many great ways you can start doing yoga without going anywhere. Let’s uncover them!

Create A Comfy Spot For Yoga

The best option when it comes to practicing yoga at house is to use an extra room for it, of course, if you have one. However, a lot of people, unfortunately, do not have a spare room. So, another great idea is to find a space that is relaxing and isn’t too noisy, where you’ll be able to exercise in peace. For instance, attending a yoga session in yoga retreats in Costa Rica where you are surrounded by trees or a sea will add a more relaxing aura.

Even an empty piece of wall is an excellent alternative because it can serve as a prop. To further enhance the atmosphere, add some scented candles, or opt for an incense stick. These things are supposed to improve your concentration and relax you.

Perceive them as an extra, not something you are forced to have. Generally speaking, you can practice yoga practically anywhere, as long as you have enough space. Just make sure you’re not surrounded by chairs, tables, or anything you can potentially trip over. If you’re looking for a unique and liberating yoga experience, you might even consider exploring naked yoga classes as they offer a body-positive environment where participants can practice yoga without clothing, fostering a deeper connection with their bodies and promoting self-acceptance. However, it’s essential to research and choose a reputable and safe naked yoga class that aligns with your comfort level and values.

Yoga Clothes

Yoga is all about being comfortable, hence, it’s of huge importance to find something that’s not going to restrict your movement. Huge fans of yoga at Evolve FitWear suggest purchasing leggings that stay dense, along with long fitted tops that are not going to flop over your head, as well as convenient sports bras that provide you with great support. When it comes to socks or shoes, many yoga experts would tell you to go barefoot. 

On the other hand, since many people refuse to do it since they can’t imagine not wearing anything, you can always obtain yoga socks to feel better. Yoga socks are typically toeless and come with grips.

Begin With Acceptance

Do not perceive yoga as just a form of exercise. It is so much more than that. It helps you exist and function in the world. Namely, in Sanskrit it means union and it actually is a union among every aspect of your life.

So when you start practicing yoga, the separation between your present state and your thoughts no longer exists. It means that you won’t be thinking about the things that could/should have been. Therefore, as soon as you start doing it, take the time to appreciate yourself and your body.

Eliminate Expectations

Those who have never done it before, think that yoga is filled with limb-twisting positions. However, that’s not really the case. As we previously mentioned, it is all about the union, therefore,  it isn’t supposed to be difficult and tiresome.

That’s why it would be amazing if you started it without having any prejudice and you’ll quickly realize how wrong you were. Also, do not ever think that it’s “too late” to begin. Just because you are at a certain age, it doesn’t mean that you are not capable of practicing yoga.

This form of exercise can be defined as a process and at the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter whether you are able to reach your toes or not. What matters is that once you’re done, you feel at peace, relaxed, and in balance. If you are able to focus on your breath more than usual, then yes, you are doing it the right way!

Begin With Five

This refers to minutes, poses, and counts of breathwork. Now, it doesn’t mean that it is supposed to be a minimum. If you can do more or less, do it since there’s no minimum required duration when it comes to yoga.

It is normally advised to start with five, especially if this is your first time and you feel a bit anxious about it. Do not begin with any huge commitments at first. The best thing you can do at the beginning is to commit to one pose only and then allow yourself to let things grow naturally.

In time, your body is going to let you know when it wants to move more and more. For instance, if you’re comfortable doing yoga for forty-five minutes, there’s no need to push yourself right from the start to do one hour or even more. The whole point of doing this is to feel comfortable as much as possible.

Be Safe

This cannot be stressed enough. Boundaries are always important when it comes to exercising and there’s no need for any form of exaggeration. You must always be mindful of your body’s vulnerability. 

This especially refers to sensitive areas such as your neck, knees, spine, and hips. If at any moment you start feeling pain, then it means that you should change something to feel better. Adjust, or change the pose you’re currently doing.

You do not want to force yourself too much. If you feel like you’re ready for more demanding positions, warm up your body first and then keep checking to see whether you are feeling okay with the new pose. 

Practicing Yoga

This whole chaos we’re currently facing caused a lot of pain and stress to many people. That’s why you should turn to yoga because it is going to help you find the inner peace you’re yearning for. With these tips, you will easily enter the world of serenity and calmness.


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