How is the relationship between art and business changing?

How is the relationship between art and business changing? – words Alexa Wang

Art and business have always had a close relationship. People respond to art. It evokes emotions, creates desire, and draws in the eye. Businesses have long used the power of art to sell their wares and to advertise their services.

Today, however, with new tools and new trends, this relationship is starting to change. Adverts are mostly annoying to the savvy digital user, meaning businesses need to step it up a notch to continue to wow and attract customers by using art as a medium.


How The Relationship Between Art and Business Has Changed

The relationship between art and business is more intertwined than ever before:

1.    The Move from Print to Digital

Illustrations and drawings were the way to go before computers changed absolutely everything. Today, you cannot use flat images in your online marketing. From screen size difference to varying resolutions, you need your files to work with whoever is accessing your site. What this means is that if you are using a .JPEG image for your logo – or for any other fixed artistic feature on your site – you must update it immediately. Vectors can be scaled up and down with ease, but they are more difficult to create. Thankfully, there are many digital tools out there to make this step easy. From fun designs to professional attorney logo design, you can create your own vector logo in no time at all, and offer users a seamless experience no matter where or how they access your company’s website. As a bonus, this one file can be used for any physical advertising tools as well.

2.    The Advent of DIY

Programs today are designed for the everyday user. It means that an increasing number of people are taking the art elements of their marketing campaign into their own hands. This can be both great and to detrimental consequences. If you have the talent, it can be a great way to save money and enjoy professional design elements. If you don’t, users will see the shoddiness of your work and distrust you for it. It is up to you to know your limits, and, if you can, either use online programs like the logo maker mentioned before or hire a professional. Visitors use a lot of trust factors when it comes to judging a company, and many of those have very little to do with certifications, but in how your website looks and feels.

3.    The Use of Fine Art, Sculpture, and Performance Art in Marketing

It is also a huge mistake to assume that digital art is the only change in the relationship between business and art. Nowadays companies can bring in a considerable amount of attention and foot traffic by offering art spaces and exhibits that are open to the public. The more “Instagram-worthy” the exhibition, the more word of your business will spread. This is a great way to get your name out there, boost sales, and build up a fun reputation that the public loves.

The change here is the increase in “exhibition spaces” that the public can see and enjoy. Cities like Manchester and London host design festivals, galleries offer free exhibits that bring in thousands in foot traffic, and the artists who are featured can truly become household names. Businesses can either host their own or sponsor such an event, and therefore contribute to the cultural scene of their city.

Art and business are one and the same. Today, however, there are is a massive increase in the mediums you have at your disposal. From DIY programs to create your own custom content to physical sculptures and even performance art that brings in curious citizens into your shop. The only thing you need to remember is that, when it comes to art, it must:

Be optimised for the medium

An improperly made or formatted digital piece of art will only glitch. A piece of physical art that doesn’t have the right lighting can be looked over. You need to consider the environment and what tools are available so that you can optimise your advertising creations to their fullest.

Have a narrative or be part of a narrative

The narrative you must always adhere to is that of your company’s values. What colours, design choices, and stories you tell from there is up to you, but it must be consistent. Create unique plotlines for each advertising campaign, and always remember the human element when deciding. People connect to stories, and giving them a story told through art is the perfect way to boost your company’s reputation and even sales.

Traditional art formats do not bind your business. Be creative and tell a story with your marketing efforts in the future and you will enjoy success and publicity.



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