Are Video Games the Perfect Place for Avant Garde Fashion?

words Alexa Wang

What is Avant Garde fashion? Who wears it? Have you ever heard of Avant Garde fashion before? And why is it taking over the gaming world?

The French term “Avant Garde” is a style that is experimental, different from what is usually accepted and pushes boundaries within fashion or even society, and it’s popping up everywhere in gaming.

Video Games Avant Garde Fashion

What is the strangest outfit you have seen? Why did it not work?

Have you ever walked down the street and been shocked or impressed by a stranger’s outfit? Why? Did the colours not work, was it too oversized? What were they wearing? Why were they wearing it?

Fashion is a form of expression that is unique and can push boundaries with what is normal and accepted. There are several styles and types of fashion that some love and others dislike. Fashion is very personal, it can be as small as the socks you wear to the entire outfit together. The most realistic game is the one that gives you as much character customisation as possible.

It’s not very common to see people in dresses or outfits that are deemed weird, and possibly very unique and unconventional. It could be a combination of some dresses, or the colors that are put together, or it being really tight. People wearing those types of dresses are experimental with what they want people to see.

What are the styles and key features of Avant Garde fashion? As mentioned, Avant-garde fashion stands out due to its exaggerated colours and shapes, so if you were to take street fashion as an example, avant-garde street fashion due to its distinctive and extravagant fashion choices. This can be incorporated into all different types of outfits.

What fashion do you expect to see in video games?

People play video games for many different reasons, it could be for fun, and they are relaxing after a busy day, or it could be an escape from reality. Many people can go to video games to escape from reality and feel less isolated from the world. Video games are often a safe space, sometimes the ability to hide your personal identity can give a new sense of confidence.

There are several types of video games that you can play, there are action games, fantasy games, racing games and many more. It all depends on your preference and what you feel happy dedicating time to. Video games can be personal to people and can be a place where you slowly create worlds or characters that can express parts of you or what you hope to be

How does that fit into video games? What do characters wear in video games? How do clothes get advertised in video games?

There are no rules in video games for clothes, you can wear very little or lots, the colours can range from all of the spectrum. The clothes represent the character’s personality, and how he/she acts. Clothes have certain themes, colours, styles and accessories. So, there is more room for the outfits to be experimental and push boundaries. The clothes that character’s wear can be inspirational for people, they look and take apart what aspects of the clothing they like and adapt it to what they wear in everyday life. What do characters wear in video games? How do clothes get advertised in video games?

An example of people being inspired by video games characters is Cosplaying. This is where people can wear the characters’ uniform, battledress, fashion wear or clothing similar to it.


Video games have an audience for people of all ages, this creates a bigger market for people to look to characters for inspiration for their everyday outfits. Avant Garde fashion pushes boundaries and experiments with what is considered normal and accepted in society, this means video games are the perfect place for it as video game clothing has no rules.


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