7 Secrets to Achieving Your Fitness Goals this Spring

words Alexa Wang

Fitness Goals


Now that the weather is improving it’s the perfect time of year to get active. There are plenty of opportunities to exercise outside and you can get yourself ready for summer.

If you’ve made certain fitness goals in the past, but haven’t quite managed to reach them, it’s time to review your objectives and make a plan. It’s essential to maintain a positive attitude and celebrate every attempt as they’re all an important step towards success. With a few motivational tips, you can finally get where you want to be. Here are seven secrets to achieving your fitness goals this spring. 

Embrace the outdoors

It’s the ideal season to embrace the outdoors. There are several benefits of outdoor exercise. As well as getting a healthy dose of vitamin D, it’s also good for your mental well-being. Spending time outdoors is a great stress-reliever and it allows you to gain a sense of perspective. If you incorporate this with your exercise routine, you’ll feel much healthier and happier. You could start by simply taking a walk through an area of natural beauty near you. Be mindful of the sights, sounds, and smells. You’ll return feeling energised and rejuvenated.

Set specific goals

Set the right goals this spring. The more specific the better. This way you can measure your progress. If you’re a basketball or volleyball player, for example, your goal might be jumping high. You can then plan a specific fitness routine to achieve this and make sure you do the relevant exercises. If you have trouble motivating yourself you could also try using fitness apps to record your progress. This way you can reward yourself at each milestone. 

Follow a consistent routine

If you decide to build your own workout routine, it’s important to make it consistent. This will make it easier to stick to it. Schedule in your workouts so you can fit them around work and your social life. You could even write them down on a calendar or to-do list. If you prefer, set alerts on your smartphone. 

Invest in new equipment

Treating yourself to some new equipment can also be a good way to get motivated. After all, if you’ve spent your hard-earned cash on a new pair of running shoes, for example, you’ll want to get your money’s worth. If you’re a little bored of your old fitness routine try a new hobby instead. You could get a new bike and take up cycling. It’s a great way to get fit while exploring hidden gems near you. Why not plan a cycling trip with a friend or family member?

Find your peak exercise time

The best time to work out has been said to be early evening, however, this is not realistic for everyone. In order to get the best results, you need to figure out your own peak exercise time. There are several factors that could affect your performance. Perhaps you prefer to work out before work or after, so you can completely disconnect. Often it’s psychological and depends on your mood. Choose a time of day where you feel the most motivated. Remember to eat well and stay hydrated whatever time of day you do exercise, and get plenty of rest.

Get a workout buddy

Some people find a workout buddy helps to motivate them. Find a friend you can share your fitness goals with and try to encourage each other to achieve them. You can use one of the best fitness apps to communicate and share your progress. A little healthy competition can also be quite motivating. If you’d rather exercise on your own you could otherwise consider having a couple of sessions with a personal trainer so you can still share your goals with someone else. Whichever works best for you. You could even get fitness tips and advice from online communities, or join a fitness class or group.

Choose an activity you enjoy

The most important thing is to choose an activity you enjoy. It’s the key to finally achieving your goals. If you find your current routine tedious, shake things up a bit. Find the right sport for you. There are plenty of exercise videos online you can try for free from your very own living room. Once you’ve found the activity that works for you and aligns with your goals, you’ll be more likely to reach them. Always remember to reward yourself for every attempt you make along the way, and ensure that you enjoy your fitness routine.


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