The art of dressing to impress – top tips

words Alexa Wang

The right outfit can make or break your day. Whether you’re into fashion or not, research has found that ‘enclothed cognition’ – i.e. the style and clothes you choose to reflect your mood and personality – can have an impact on your health and overall confidence.

But how can you put together the right outfit when you’re dressing to impress? We’ve put together some top tips that you should follow if you want to stand out and look the part.


Dress for the occasion

There’s little point in dressing up to the nines if you’re spending the afternoon in the park with your girlfriend, so make sure that you dress appropriately for every occasion. If you don’t know whether or not there’s a dress code for your next function or event – perhaps at a business conference or meal out – then call ahead and ask for more information. If in doubt, smart-casual is often the most sensible option.

Get the basics right

Getting the basics right will ensure that you can dress to impress for every occasion. Stock up on jeans, trousers, plain shirts and t-shirts – the staples of any outfit. Belts, shoes and other accessories should also be thought of in advance – the more choice you have at home, the easier it will be for you to put together an outfit at the last minute.

Splash out on important pieces

There are some things in life that you just shouldn’t scrimp on, and a suit is one of them. A well-made suit can see you through a whole host of occasions – job interviews, weddings, funerals, networking events and more. If you’re looking for a tailor made suit in London, make sure you work with a well-respected tailor like Fielding and Nicholson, who will be able to create an outfit that works for your body and your style. Although high street retailers offer a range of high-quality dinner jackets and trousers, they cannot compare to a handmade product that has been designed just for you.

Choose a style hero

When it comes to style, there are no shortage of celebrities and social media influencers to take inspiration from. The Fashion Spot has compiled a list of the best men’s fashion blogs that you should be following in 2017, or you could instead opt for reading men’s magazines and following your favourite celebrities on Instagram. The chances are, they’ll regularly post pictures of their outfits when they attend social events, and you can use these snaps as inspiration when putting your next outfit together. Style envy is real, but with a little internet shopping, it’s easy to emulate their style and look red carpet ready.

There you have it – some top tips that you should take advantage of if you want to dress to impress. Whatever your style and whatever your shape, you can make simple style fixes to improve your wardrobe and look the part. Stock up, invest in high-quality pieces and don’t be afraid of copying your favourites – it’s the best way to look the part!



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