Common features found in Japanese tattoos

words Alexa Wang

Tattoos art often represents aspects of a person’s personal life. Many people get a tattoo to remind them of a person, pet, or experience. They my also want to have a visual reminder of a personal belief. These may involve certain colors, symbols, or phrases.

Many people, however, simply enjoy the artistic nature of tattoos. Japanese tattoos have an interesting history, as the leaders banned them in the country for a short time. Asian writing and well-known symbols of the culture are popular in many areas of the world. There are a few common images and themes you may notice in Japanese style tattoos.


The traditional writing of Asian languages is popular in art, on clothes, and for tattoos. Japanese characters are more than simple letters or words. They are an artistic representation of a rich an ancient culture. You can choose from popular phrases for a character tattoo, or have your own phrase translated. It is important, however, to visit a tattoo shop that has properly trained staff for these tattoos. Otherwise, you can end up with a character written or translated improperly. You can also research the proper characters and bring an image for your tattoo artist to copy.


Water is an image see in many Japanese tattoos. Expect to see it  combined with other traditional images, such as dragons and koi fish. Water in Japanese art represents life and strength. There are several different meanings, however. Waves can symbolize outpourings of good luck, for example. It can be a part of a beautiful background for other images you may like. The professionals at Katana Tattoo can help you design a creative Japanese tattoo with traditional images.


It is common to see tigers, dragons, and koi fish in Japanese art. Many people become fascinated with the serpent-like dragons of Japanese folklore. Dragons mean different things in the Eastern and Western parts of Japan. The many meanings include ferocity, generosity, and wealth. In the East, people say they use their powers for good. In the West they represent the viciousness and wealth.

Images of koi fish and tigers can both mean strength and courage. Tigers also stand for protection against many things. These include evil spirits, bad luck, and disease. It is easy to include water with a koi fish image, adding deeper meaning.


Specific flowers carry a lot of meaning in Japanese imagery. You may notice lotus flowers in many Japanese pictures and movies. You can expect to see lotus flowers, cherry blossoms, and roses. The lotus flower often represents fertility. The colors of flowers also carry meaning. White symbolizes purity, and red symbolizes passion or love. The chrysanthemum represents nobility, but people today often use it at funerals. There is a legend that says red spider lilies grow in places where people leave each other forever. Beautifully colored flowers can enhance your Japanese tattoo.

Skilled tattoo artists spend years perfecting their craft. If you desire a Japanese themed tattoo, look for an experience artist. Every tattoo professional is different. Look at the website for various tattoo businesses or visit the shop to find out about their specialties. If you see someone with a tattoo you like, talk to them about their experience, as well. A tattoo artist specializing in Japanese tattoos ensures that the characters and imagery are correct.


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