7 ways that social media can inspire you

7 ways that social media can inspire you – words Al Woods

Social media often gets a bad rap, with high profile people and the media blaming it for mental ill health, relationship breakdowns, bullying and much more.

But there are lots of positive ways that we can use social media too – otherwise it never would have lasted this long! If you’re losing sight of the benefits of Twitter, Instagram, Facebook et al, here are seven ways that social media can inspire you…

  1. Getting healthy. It’s never been easier to findfree recipes,exercise videos, local groups and classes, or inspirational tales from others like you that have successfully improved their health. Follow hashtags like #healthyeating and #fitnessforlife to gain lots of positive inspiration around healthy choices.

  2. Daily smiles. It’s a fact that laughter decreases stress hormones and increases your immunity– so we should all seek out a bit of humour every day. Use your social feeds to find and share the funny side of life.

  3. Interior design. Restyling your home brings you real pleasure and enhances your daily surroundings. Social media is a great source of ideas for everything from artwork and fabrics to bathroom ideas and gardening tips.

  4. Role models. Don’t follow people that make you feel inferior – seek out people that you admire instead. Whether they have overcome adversity, have a great mindset or are simply aging gracefully, choose to follow people that you can learn from or that reaffirm positive feelings you have about yourself.

  5. Share your experience. Socialmedia is a two way street – and many people find that by sharing their stories they start interesting and inspiring conversations. Reach out for advice, be open about your feelings and you’ll be surprised at what you get back.

  6. Give back. It’s widely accepted that giving up your time to help others is a great way to feel more positive. Use social media to find and follow important campaigns in your local area – whether it’s befriending the elderly, raising money for a community initiative or litter picking in your street.

  7. Join a community. Socialmedia can give you a real sense of belonging if you’re selective about how you use it. Join groups that share a common, positive interest, whether it’s a love of sport, pets, arts and crafts or reading. As long as it’s a friendly forum you will learn, build relationships and gain inspiration for your daily life. This article explore that idea a little further.

So there are many ways that our social channels can be a force for good. If social media isn’t giving you the kind of inspiration you want and need,  try changing how you use it. 


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