words Al Woods
Let’s face it, today’s consumers are a hugely digital bunch and because of it, they’re constantly looking for the next ‘experience’ to capture and no doubt check in to. Each and every action we take and experience we’re lucky enough to, well…experience, is yet another in the back pocket for the ever-hungry consumer.
As consumers, interactions with brands and establishments are no different. No longer do we want to simply make a purchase and walk away or buy a drink and sit quietly in a bar – we want an experience and that goes for all of us. This is the experience economy, described so perfectly by the Harvard Business Review as, “a company intentionally using services as the stage and goods as props in order to engage individual consumers in a way that creates a memorable event.”
With that in mind, we wanted to look at tech and how tech can help you win in the Experience Economy.
Enjoy The Edge In The Experience Economy With Technology
Over the past 20 years, the experience economy hasn’t just grown in popularity, it’s become the expectation, so much so that not having something in place to help consumers create those memories can have seriously negative effects. The question is, however, how can we know that we’re delivering the right experience?
In answer to this, it’s worth remembering that what we consider to be a positive experience has changed hugely in the last decade too. Being as digital as previously suggested, a positive experience is very much based around our digital universe and it’s here that technology can provide that much-needed edge against competitors.
Whether it’s a case of staying up to date or simply having the opportunity to share an experience via their social media platforms, Snappic, providers of digital photo booth software, say technology such as theirs is exactly what companies and establishments are crying out for. Add to this the fact that their digital photo booth software will give you the opportunity to capture your consumers data with ease and it’s clear to see why so many brands are choosing to provide their customers with a digital photo booth that emphasises their company’s brand while allowing their consumers to spread the word through branded social media posts with ease.
Could Digital Photo Booth Software Help You Win At The Experience Economy?
We live in a data-driven world and having the ability to capture said data while also giving your consumers a reason to shout about their experience, is something everyone should be calling out for. A recent survey by Bain found that a whopping 80% of customers would happily leave a brand or establishment due to poor customer experience with another recent survey highlighting the fact that 67% of consumers would switch brands through poor experience or lack of attention.
Something as simple as digital photo booth software from the likes of Snappic, utilised through tablets could mean the difference between losing your edge and gaining your edge against your competitors. Still not convinced? Put it this way; technology allows for a much more personalised customer experience (exactly what your clientele are calling out for) while also allowing you the ability to see measurable business growth through the ability to build brand affinity, brand awareness and simply give the people what they want to ensure they return for more time and again, because tomorrow, you’ll still be relevant. Accomplish this and we guarantee you’ll have a loyal following of the mobile generation of consumers who simply can’t wait to share their experience.